Bible. Books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

4 For they have no affliction unto their death, and their strength is strong.

5 In the work of man they are not, neither are they struck with other men.

6 Wherefore pride hath overlaid them like a necklace, and boldness hath clothed them like a garment;

7 Their eyes are rolled out of fat, thoughts wander in their hearts;

8 they mock everything, they spout slander, they speak from above;

9 They lift up their mouths to heaven, and their tongue walks on the earth.

10 Wherefore his people turn thither, and drink water full of water,

11 And they say, "How does God know? and does the Most High have knowledge?"

12 And behold, these wicked ones prosper in this world, multiplying riches.

13 [And I said:] Have I not cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my hands in innocence?

14 And he subjected himself to wounds all day long, and chastisement every morning?

15 But if I were to say, 'I will reason thus,' I should be guilty before the offspring of thy sons.

16 And I thought how to understand these things, but it was difficult in my eyes,

17 until I entered into the sanctuary of God, and understood their end.

E-18 Yes! Thou hast set them on slippery paths, and hast cast them into the abyss.

19 How accidentally they came to ruin, vanished, perished from terrors!

20 As a dream after waking up, so thou, O Lord, when thou awakest them, shalt destroy their dreams.

21 When my heart was boiling, and my inward parts were tormented,

22 then I was ignorant, and did not understand; I was like cattle before you.

23 But I am always with you: you hold me by the right hand;

24 Thou hast guided me by thy counsel, and afterwards thou shalt receive me into glory.