The Old Testament (Part 2)

13 And he wept, and said, Blessed art thou, O God, and blessed be thy name for ever, and blessed are all thy holy angels.

14 For thou hast chastened and had mercy on me. Behold, I see Tobias my son. And his son went in joyfully, and told his father about the wonderful things that had happened to him in Media.

15 And Tobit went out to meet his daughter-in-law at the gate of Nineveh, rejoicing and blessing God. Those who saw him coming were amazed at how he had regained his sight.

16 And Tobit confessed before them that God had mercy on him. When Tobit came to Sarah, his daughter-in-law, he blessed her and said, "Hail, my daughter! Blessed be God, who brought you to us, and blessed are your father and mother. And all his brethren in Nineveh rejoiced.

17 And Ahiachar came, and Nasbas his nephew,

18 And they celebrated the marriage of Tobias with joy seven days.

Chapter 12

1 And Tobit called his son Tobias, and said unto him, My son, prepare the wages of the man who went with thee; he needs to add more.

2 And he answered, My father, I shall not lose if I give him half of all that I have brought;

3 For he brought me to thee well, and healed my wife, and brought my money, and healed thee also.

4 The elder said, "This is what he should do."

5 And he called the angel and said to him, 'Take half of all that you have brought, and go in peace.'

6 Then the angel called them both apart, and said to them, 'Bless God, glorify him, acknowledge his greatness, and confess before all the living what he has done for you.' It is a good deed to bless God, to exalt His name, and to preach reverently about the works of God; and you are not slothful in glorifying Him.

7 It is fitting for a king to keep a secret, but to declare the works of God praiseworthy. Do good, and evil will not come upon you.