The Old Testament (Part 2)

23 And he smote Fudian and Ludian, and plundered all the sons of Rassis and the sons of Ishmael, who dwelt in the wilderness south to the land of Helleon.

24 And when he had crossed the Euphrates, he passed through Mesopotamia, and destroyed all the high cities by the brook Avron, as far as he entered the sea.

25 And when he had taken the borders of Cilicia, he slew all that were opposed to him, and when he had gone to the borders of Japheth, which lie to the south on the front side of Arabia,

26 And he went round about all the children of Midian, and burned their dwellings, and plundered their flocks.

27 And he went down to the plain of Damascus, at the time of the wheat harvest, and burned all their fields, and gave up their flocks of sheep and oxen to be destroyed, and plundered their cities, and laid waste their fields, and smote all their young men with the edge of the sword.

28 Fear and terror fell upon the inhabitants of the seaside country who dwelt in Sidon and Tyre, on the inhabitants of Sur and Okina, and on all the inhabitants of Iemnaan, and all the inhabitants of Ashdod and Ascalon were greatly frightened by him.

Chapter 3

1 And they sent messengers to him with this peace proposal:

2 behold, we, servants of the great king Nebuchadnezzar, prostrate ourselves before thee: do unto us what thou wilt.

3 Вот перед тобою: и селения наши, и все места наши, и все нивы с пшеницею, и стада овец и волов, и все строения наших жилищ: употребляй их, как пожелаешь.

4 Вот и города наши и обитающие в них – рабы твои: иди и поступай с ними, как будет глазам твоим угодно.

5 И пришли к Олоферну мужи и передали ему эти слова.

6 Тогда он пришел в приморскую страну с войском своим, окружил высокие города стражею и взял из них отборных мужей в соратники себе.

7 А они и вся окрестность их приняли его с венками, ликами и тимпанами.