Sunday Service

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Learn from you. It is good for me, for Thou hast humbled me, that I may learn by Thy righteousness. The law of Thy mouth is good to me, more than a thousand

gold and silver.

Glory, and now:

Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, glory to Thee, O God. (Three times with bows.)

Lord, have mercy. (Three times.) Glory, and now:

Thy hands have created me and created me: enlighten me, and I will learn by Thy commandment. Those who fear Thee shall see me, and shall rejoice, for I trust in Thy words. O Lord,

I will live, for Thy law is my teaching. Let them be ashamed of pride, for your iniquity is unrighteous against me, but I will mock Thy commandments. May those who fear Thee and those who lead Thee turn me back

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Thy testimonies. Be my heart blameless in Thy justifications, that I may not be ashamed. Thy soul vanisheth for salvation

saying, When wilt thou comfort me? Thou hast brought forth thy excuses as fur upon slate, and thou hast not forgotten thy excuses. How many days are there of Thy servant? When wilt thou execute judgment upon me from those who persecute me? Thou hast taught me the transgressors of mockery,

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but not as Thy law, O Lord. All Thy commandments are true;

Thou hast persecuted me unjustly, help me. Thou didst not die on earth in a small way, but I did not die

Thine: Thou hast founded the earth, and abides. By Thy work the day endures, for all work is done unto Thee. As if it were not

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Thy law was my teaching, for then I perished in my humility. I will never forget Thy justifications, for they are in them


Thou hast quickened me. I am Thine, save me, for I seek Thy justifications. Waiting for me, a sinner to destroy me, Thy witnesses are understood. I have seen every end

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the end, broad is Thy commandment. If I love Thy law, O Lord, all day long is my teaching. More than my enemy hast made me wise by Thy commandment, as I am for ever. more than all those who teach me