Sect Studies

What is resurrected after someone dies? Not the body of the deceased. Even those who are resurrected to life on earth will not receive the same body they had in their previous life. That body must have decayed and returned to the earth. Over time, the elements of the dead body may have become part of other living organisms. God will therefore not resurrect the same body, but the same person who died. Those who go to heaven are given a new spiritual body by God. To those who are resurrected to life on earth, He will give a new physical body. This new physical body will undoubtedly be like the one this person had before he died, so that those who knew him will recognize him. [174]

Thus, we see that the resurrected Jehovah's "celestials" will be radically different from those who are promised well-fed slavery in the new earth. The work of earthlings will be no more than 4 hours a day (and after it there will be interesting excursions, cinema and other entertainment), the housing will be comfortable, the food will be of high quality, and everyone will be forcibly happy. The 144,000 first will look down upon them from heaven and rule them with Christ, regulating every aspect of their lives, even the smallest one, while the earthly inhabitants will obey unquestioningly and conscientiously fulfill their divinely given duties. The "bad people" will be exterminated in Armageddon, only the "obedient" will survive. "Refuseniks", parasites and malingerers will remain in the "cursed past" - the "old world". In the new world, everyone will feel good, warm and well-fed. Life without the "wicked" will be bright, rich and free. The inhabitants of the new paradise will move into the vacated houses and use the property accumulated by the "wicked". Laughter and jokes will sound constantly, and the heavy burden of freedom and responsibility will forever be removed from a person. [175]

This will continue for a thousand years, after which all infidels will be resurrected for final destruction at the Last Judgment. The serene life of the Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise will continue for all eternity. The presence of God in all this touching idyll is not visible at all.

In general, we have before us a system that can be characterized primarily as crudely pagan: far away in heaven there is an inaccessible supreme god, limited by a spiritual body, who communicates with the world and chosen people only through minor gods like him (Jesus and angels), who also have only spiritual bodies. To help them, "heroes" from the earth are summoned, who lose their less perfect physical bodies and instead acquire more perfect spiritual ones, thanks to which they also become gods. They are the ones who lead the earthly herd of well-fed slaves with fully satisfied physical needs. That is, the existence of Jehovah's Witnesses in paradise is fundamentally no different from their life in this world, where ordinary members are governed by a deified organization.

Salvation depends only on a person's participation in the affairs of the Watch Tower Society: if you remain a member, you have a chance of salvation, and if you leave, you lose that chance. That is, if you have been distributing literature for 40-50 hours a week all your life, but one day you stopped doing it, then your previous merits will no longer be credited to you. You have fallen away and will go into eternal oblivion. Therefore, some people who were called up after the number of 144 thousand was exhausted still have a small chance of somehow getting into this number: maybe someone out of 144 thousand dropped out at the last moment and small vacancies opened. Therefore, everyone can hope that they have the opportunity not only to eat bananas on earth, but also to penetrate into heaven.

In Jehovah's Witness communities, there is a certain problem of rivalry: who can get into this cherished number? After all, for example, only those who have been re-baptized in heaven and have been chrismated (the same 144 thousand) can take communion. Communion is performed by Jehovah's Witnesses once a year. This is the only holiday that they recognize - the day of the Jewish Passover - Nisan 14; a remembrance not of the Resurrection, but of the death of Christ. There is an unspoken permission to take communion only for decrepit old people, who theoretically can belong to the same 144 thousand. True, some of the young Jehovah's Witnesses also claim their right to receive Communion, because, they say, they feel that they are part of the 144,000 members, but others actively oppose this, and most of the applicants give up and renounce their claims. The communion looks like this: red wine and unleavened bread (matzah) are placed on the elevation. These, the Jehovah's Witnesses emphasize, are nothing more than symbols. But "these symbols are accepted only by a handful of "chosen by God." Those who "cherish an earthly hope worthily celebrate the Lord's Supper by attending it and paying respectful attention to the occasion, even though they do not partake of the bread and wine. Christ's sacrifice also benefits them (! — A.D.), allowing them to gain a good reputation in the eyes of God." [176] No comment...

In 1950, a Jewish translation of the Bible into English was published under the title "New World Translation". In this edition, most of the places where the divinity of the Savior is spoken of are juggled, and the Greek words Theos and Kyrios ("God" and "Lord") are almost everywhere replaced by the word "Jehovah" (except, of course, where the evangelists call Jesus Christ Lord and God). The names of the translators, of course, are unknown: the translation was published on behalf of the "Ruling Corporation", which at that time had only one person who studied Greek a little. Nobody knew the Hebrew language there.

Russian Jehovah's Witnesses were deprived of this translation for a long time. And if any of you happen to talk to Jehovah's Witnesses, ask what Bible translation they use. A few years ago, for some reason, Russian Jehovah's Witnesses took a great liking to the translation of Archimandrite Macarius (Glukharev), to which they liked to refer and which they even republished. According to experts, in their edition of this translation, they also made a large number of manipulations and substitutions. [177] Apparently, in connection with the conviction of deception in 2001, Jehovah's Witnesses stopped referring to this pseudo-makarian forgery and returned to the Synodal translation.

And at the end of 2001, the New Testament finally appeared in Russian in the translation of "Novy Mir". There is no New World Old Testament in Russian yet. And all Russian Jehovah's Witnesses are already flaunting hybrid new editions: the Old Testament in the Synodal translation in conjunction with the New World New Testament.

If you have such an opportunity, in conversations with Jehovah's Witnesses, you can refer them to the Greek original and show them where the leadership of the sect is making a substitution. In some cases, this makes sectarians think. And it is absolutely certain that the confusion of the sectarians will make a proper impression on those people whom they are trying to recruit.

4. Adventism and American populism of the late nineteenth century

Jehovah's Witnesses have two roots: Adventism and American populism of the late 19th century. He was an American, a man of little education (he graduated from no more than two years of school), from a poor family, but he loved to read very much and achieved a lot as a self-taught man. Miller was an agnostic skeptic until the age of 35, and then he was converted, began to actively study the Scriptures and became a Baptist preacher. Like most self-taught, he did not have a system, so he began to breed homegrown theories and became fascinated by the book of the prophet Daniel, on which many broke. Miller became infected with numerology and began to actively calculate the date of the end of the world. Of course, in the end he figured it out. And when our discoverer was reminded of the words of the Savior that no one can know either the day or the hour of His Second Coming, Miller replied that he was predicting not a day or an hour, but a year. In 1818, he calculated the year 1843. This made a tremendous impression on him: in 25 years, the world that had existed for many millennia would end! Everyone lives for themselves and does not suspect anything, and he, Miller, has discovered it! If you believe this, it becomes scary.