Priest Peter Ivanov

The "Anastasians" could not do without their "shrines". Although the forest dweller recommended through her biographer the whole world, tirelessly, to plant cedars, but it is a long time to wait until the "sacred forests" grow. Going to the Siberian taiga to the cedars is both expensive and difficult. In addition, people will ask questions about the whereabouts of "Anastasia". Then the idea arises, naturally voiced by the heroine of the opus, that in the Black Sea town of Gelendzhik there are shrines, the significance of which is greater than the holy places in Jerusalem (1, p. 383). (Here, by the way, is another anti-Christian passage.) In the future, it is planned to turn the town into a "Slavic spiritual center", where "a grandiose TEMPLE OF UNITY with special religious buildings, museums, sections on various religions, starting with paganism, and teachings (including atheism)" will be built.

It is proposed to worship the Adyghe "dolmens", which are allegedly the burial places of ancient sages who lived tens of thousands of years ago (although science does not date stone coffins earlier than 3-2 thousand BC). They, according to Puzakov, voluntarily buried alive in stone chambers. The wise men are also relatives of Anastasia. Among them is her "great-mother". "The unusual thing about their deaths was that they were meditating. They meditated into eternity, remaining on Earth forever in spirit, retaining some earthly feelings" (2, p. 39).

The dolmen worshipper, as Puzakov's followers believe, comes into contact with the dead. Through these kind of "information receivers" "it was easier to contact the Intellect of the Universe" (1, p. 389). Although what does the universe have to do with it, it is not clear, if we remember that the ancients "in spirit" remained on earth and have earthly feelings?

Starting from 1995, Puzakov began to develop a "dolmen" project in Gelendzhik. Soon he received assistance from the local authorities, who quickly realized that the influx of sectarians (about 50 thousand people a year) would significantly improve the affairs of the decayed resort town. There was work for guides who instantly retrained as clairvoyants and mediums. Readers' conferences are regularly held (they are also called "scientific and practical" for importance), which are now attended not only from Russia, but also from near and far abroad. According to one of the adepts, this is "a mass of quite serious people, entrepreneurs, scientists, specialists, people of social and technical creativity who openly support Anastasia's Idea."

The cult of dolmens is not without attacks on Orthodoxy. It is stated, for example, that forty dolmens were destroyed at one time, and the stone was used for the construction of churches. As revenge, the Bolsheviks in the North Caucasus killed forty Orthodox priests with a cruel death. Demons through the Bolsheviks dealt with the clergy. The Anastasians are pleased.


По правилам детективного жанра в литературном произведении должно присутствовать напряженное ощущение опасности. По Пузакову, кедр является главным национальным достоянием России, и различные международные темные силы сговорились и покушаются на него (1, с. 20). Вот первый знак угрозы.

Однако далее проступают уже чисто эсхатологические мотивы. Что за секта без конца света? Анастасия сообщает, что ей приучастии дачников (об их роли в секте см. ниже), которых за это нужно прославить установлением 23 июля специального праздничного дня, удалось в 1992 г. предотвратить конец света. Следующая дата намечена на 2002 г. (1, с. 243). Для «анастасийцев» важно монополизировать «право на конец света». Анастасия осуждает тех, кто говорит о Страшном суде (в том числе и Церковь). Пузаков пишет об этом с присущим ему корявым изяществом: «Возможно, собрав вокруг себя массы людские, за счет притягательности представлений, они осуществят поворот в осознанности» (1, с. 337). А вовсе и нет никакой нужды готовиться к Суду, говорят сектанты, нужно только во всем слушаться Анастасию, и все будет в порядке..

Этический идеал «анастасийщины»