
It seems to me that there is no need to comment here.


The entire logic of Jehovah's Witnesses, which is based on the Bible and prohibits blood transfusions, is based on the identification of transfusions of blood or its components, which are made into a vein, and the eating of blood. This question has already been discussed above.

The booklet How Can Blood Save Your Life? states:

"Contrary to the reasoning of some today, God's law on blood could not be disregarded, even in cases of extreme necessity. Thus, during the most difficult time of the war, some Israeli soldiers killed animals, and "ate the people with blood." Was it permissible to maintain life with blood in view of this extreme necessity? No. Their military commander pointed out that this behavior was completely wrong (1 Samuel 14:31-35). Therefore, no matter how precious life is, our Life-Giver has never said that in case of emergency, his norms can be neglected."

Let's see what the book of 1 Samuel says.

First there is a story about how Jonathan, the son of Saul, with the help of God, defeated the Philistine army. Further:

1 Samuel 14:16-46

16 And Saul's guards saw in Gibeah Benjamin, that the crowd was scattered, and ran hither and thither.

17 And Saul spake unto the people that were with him; review and find out which of our people came out. And they looked it over, and behold, Jonathan and his armor-bearer were gone.

18 And Saul said to Ahijah, 'Bring the kivot of God,' for the kivot of God was with the children of Israel at that time.

19 And Saul was still speaking to the priest, how the confusion in the camp of the Philistines was growing more and more. Then Saul said to the priest, "Fold your hands."

20 And Saul cried out, and all the people that were with him, and came to the place of battle, and behold, there the sword of every man was turned against his neighbor; The confusion was very great.

21 Then also the Hebrews, who had been with the Philistines yesterday and the third day, and who had gone about with them in the camp, came to the Israelites who were with Saul and Jonathan;