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In front of the icon "Nurse of the Child" (January 12 / 25)

Troparion, tone 3:

Without seed of the Divine Spirit, but by the will of the Father Thou didst conceive the Son of God, from the Father without a mother before the world, but for our sake Thou wast fatherless from Thee, Thou didst give birth to the flesh and nourished the Infant with a child, wherefore do not cease to pray that our souls may be delivered from troubles.

Kontakion, tone 5:

Cleanse our souls of feelings, let us behold on the icon the most glorious mystery, the Creator of the universe and the Lord of the highest powers, held in Thy arms and nourished by Thy breast, as a Child, and, bowing down to Thee with fear and joy and our Saviour born of Thee, let us cry out: Rejoice, O Lady, Nourisher of our life.


Accept, O Lady Theotokos, the tearful prayers of Thy servants who come to Thee. We behold Thee on the holy icon, bearing in Thy arms and nourishing Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Though thou didst give birth to Him without pain, and even more so, thou didst behold the sorrows and infirmities of the sons and daughters of men. With the same warmth, falling down before Thy wholesome image and kissing it with tenderness, we beseech Thee, O All-Merciful Lady: mercifully spare us, sinners, condemned in sickness and nourish our children in sorrows, and deliver our infants, as well as those who gave birth to them, from grievous illness and bitter sorrow. Grant them health and prosperity, that their nourishment may increase from strength to strength, and those who nourish them may be filled with joy and consolation, for even now through Thy intercession the Lord will accomplish His praise from the mouth of the child and those who are suckling. O Mother of the Son of God! Have compassion on the mother of the sons of men and on Thy feeble people: heal the sicknesses that befall us quickly, assuage the sorrows and sorrows that befall us, and despise not the tears and sighs of Thy servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow who fall down before Thy icon, and on the day of joy of deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Lift up our supplications to the throne of Thy Son and our God, that He may be merciful to our sin and infirmity, and that He may show His mercy to those who know His Name, that we, and our children, may glorify Thee, the merciful Intercessor and faithful hope of our generation, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before the icon "Assuage My Sorrows" (January 25 / February 7)

Troparion, tone 5:

Assuage the sicknesses of my much-sighing soul, Who hast quenched every tear from the face of the earth: For Thou hast driven away the sickness of man and destroyed the sorrows of sinners. For Thee all gain hope and strength, O Most Holy Virgin Mother.

Kontakion, tone 6:

Do not entrust me to human intercession, O Most Holy Lady, but accept the prayer of Thy servant, for sorrow will restrain me, I cannot endure demonic shooting, I have no protection, where I run, accursed, we are always victorious, and there is no consolation, except to Thee, Lady of the world, the hope and intercession of the faithful, do not despise my prayer, do it profitable.