A complete Orthodox prayer book. For every need

Thy beauty is illumined by the radiance of the departed, in faith with the departed, rich in mercy; For Thou art our God, the One, sinless and abundantly merciful.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

At the place of cooling in eternal rest, vouchsafe to receive Thy servant, who cut short his faint-hearted life: for Thou art the only Mighty One, and Thou didst receive our infirmities upon Thee, O Lord our God.

Glory to the Father and to the Son in the Holy Spirit.

In the heavenly palace, O Lord, receive Thy servant (the name of the rivers), so that he may not hear Thy righteous voice: "I do not know thee," if he is truly guilty of this.

And now I am ever unto the ages of ages. Amen.

Thou didst raise up those who had slain us, O Theotokos, Thou didst give birth to the life of the incorruptible Giver of Life; and raise Thy servant (name) out of hell, beseeching Thy Son for mercy.

Ode 4


I sing Thee, for I hear Thee. Thou hast heard the Lord, and hast been terrified: for thou hast come unto me, seeking me in error. Thus do I glorify Thy great condescension upon me, O Abundant Mercy.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

In hope in Thee, O God, faint, and overcome by the violence of the enemy, have mercy on Thy servant, despising Thy saviour, as the Good, his sins, voluntary and involuntary.

Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy departed servant.

O Lord, O Lord, Thou who hast mercy covered the unfathomable abyss of Thy servant, O Love of Mankind, — having washed away with Thy Blood the sin of his ignorance and lack of faith.