Volume 9, Book 1 (Explanatory Acts)

DISCOURSE 17 (on Acts 7:35). The madness of the Jews.

DISCOURSE 18 (on Acts 7:54). Why did those who were baptized by Philip not receive the Holy Spirit? - The wickedness of Simon. - What benefits were received from the death of Stephen. - Temples by villages.

DISCOURSE 19 (on Acts 8:26-27). The Prudence of the Eunuch. - Why Paul's conversion took place after the resurrection of Christ.

DISCOURSE 20 (on Acts 9:10-12). A Christian should be concerned about the salvation of others.

DISCOURSE 21 (on Acts 9:26-27). Reconciliation of Paul's sayings. - Peter's visit to believers. - Peter's meekness and humility. - Alms benefit the dead. - Offering for the dead.

DISCOURSE 22 (on Acts 10:1-4). About almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 23 (on Acts 10:23-24). God is not the cause of sins. - There is no need to postpone baptisms.

DISCOURSE 24 (on Acts 10:44-46). Repentance is a great medicine. - Of the many inhabitants of Constantinople, no more than 100 are rescued. - Against theatrical spectacles.

DISCOURSE 25 (on Acts 11:19). Which caused the famine. - All sin is cleansed by almsgiving. - Types of almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 26 (on Acts 12:1-3). Sorrow is a great blessing. - You need to be awake. - Prayer destroys sins.

DISCOURSE 27 (on Acts 12:18-19). The meaning of fasting. - The harm of voluptuousness.

DISCOURSE 28 (on Acts 13:4-5). About how sometimes passion is overcome by passion. "What glory one should seek. - A way to curb the passions.

DISCOURSE 29 (on Acts 13:16-17). Piety alone serves as praise for the church. - Medicine against vice must be drawn from the Scriptures.

DISCOURSE 30 (on Acts 13:42). Praise of humility. - It is necessary to teach more by deeds than by words. - How to treat applause.