Volume 9, Book 1 (Explanatory Acts)

DISCOURSE 10 (on Acts 4:1). The power of Petrova's speech. – Valor of the Apostles. – Peter's firmness. – The vanity of spectacles. "Against the oath.

DISCOURSE 11 (on Acts 4:23). Signs of the Resurrection. – Wealth, the population of Constantinople and almsgiving. "Against the oath.

DISCOURSE 12 (on Acts 4:36-37). What opposites made up the life of the apostles. – About the sacrilegers of the time of Chrysostom. – The amazing life of the first Christians. – Those who sin much should fear much.

DISCOURSE 13 (on Acts 5:17-18). The joy of those who suffer for Christ. - Poverty is a reliable protection. "Against the oath.

DISCOURSE 14 (on Acts 5:34). What is daily service? - When the name of presbyters and deacons appeared. - Love and mercy for enemies. - No one can offend us except ourselves.

DISCOURSE 15 (on Acts 6:8). At ordination, the Spirit descends. - How to tame anger. - Anger is shameful.

DISCOURSE 16 (on Acts 7:6-7). A prefiguration of the resurrection in the Old Testament. - God's Providence. - Sorrow is a blessing. - What is the real joy? - Voluptuousness is a burden on the soul.

DISCOURSE 17 (on Acts 7:35). The madness of the Jews.

DISCOURSE 18 (on Acts 7:54). Why did those who were baptized by Philip not receive the Holy Spirit? - The wickedness of Simon. - What benefits were received from the death of Stephen. - Temples by villages.

DISCOURSE 19 (on Acts 8:26-27). The Prudence of the Eunuch. - Why Paul's conversion took place after the resurrection of Christ.

DISCOURSE 20 (on Acts 9:10-12). A Christian should be concerned about the salvation of others.

DISCOURSE 21 (on Acts 9:26-27). Reconciliation of Paul's sayings. - Peter's visit to believers. - Peter's meekness and humility. - Alms benefit the dead. - Offering for the dead.

DISCOURSE 22 (on Acts 10:1-4). About almsgiving.

DISCOURSE 23 (on Acts 10:23-24). God is not the cause of sins. - There is no need to postpone baptisms.