«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)  

Field is a distance equal to about 2 km (Roman mile). Most often this word is used in the Holy Bible as a metaphor for the path in the broadest sense. In this verse (Matt. 5:41) the order introduced by the Persian king Cyrus is used to build the image. In ancient times, there were special couriers who, in order to perform postal and transport services, could forcibly demand people and pack animals at stations (Herodotus. VIII, 98). The meaning of the commandment is clear: be willing and do more than you are forced.

What to do if the mother cursed her son and his entire family in anger?

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov)  

Curse is the deprivation of blessing and condemnation to disasters. This power belongs exclusively to God. However, even in the most ancient biblical times, the Lord gave a special spiritual authority to some righteous people to bless or curse. Such authority was held by the patriarchs, and then by the prophets.

The Lord gave parents a special spiritual and moral authority over their children. According to St. John Chrysostom, it is assumed by the very origin of children. "The power of parents over children has its origin in nature itself. Such an honor is to them the reward for the sickness of birth" (Eight Homilies on the Book of Genesis, Homily IV). The basis of this power is also the strict responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children. Their relationship should be modeled after our relationship with God. The goal of our spiritual life is to be worthy of that highest calling of which the holy Apostle Paul speaks: "Therefore you are no longer a slave, but a son; and if a son, then also an heir of God through Jesus Christ" (Gal. 4:7). We, the people of the New Testament, "have received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, 'Abba, Father!'" (Romans 8:15). The word "abba" in Aramaic corresponds to our "dad" – the confidential address of children to their father.

On this parental authority, correctly applied, the spiritual and moral education of children is based. Without this authority, parents cannot fulfill their responsibilities to their children. Archimandrite Kirill (Pavlov) in his sermon "On the Veneration of Parents" says: "There are many stories that confirm the real power of the power of parents over their children. There are many such examples when a parental blessing brought grace down on the souls of their children. And vice versa, the parental curse subjected disobedient children to terrible sufferings and torments. Blessed Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, relates an incident. Once, in one of the cities of his diocese, an entire family was subjected to such a curse. The mother of nine sons, an old woman, was once very upset by her eldest son, who not only verbally insulted her, but also dared to beat her. Insulted, upset by such an act of her eldest son, the mother grieved for her other sons: why did they not restrain him and help, did not protect her when he struck her? And in a fit of such indignation, anger, she indiscriminately cursed them all. And the judgment of God, the inevitable judgment, was accomplished. The eldest son was stricken with paralysis on the same day. His hands, and then all the limbs of his body, began to tremble. He was completely exhausted, he could not even walk. The same fate befell all the other sons within one year alone. So they, unable to endure shame, not tolerating disgrace from their fellow citizens, left this city and wandered somewhere throughout the Roman Empire. Here is a clear example, an obvious example, of how God's judgment is quickly carried out on impudent, disrespectful children. This example also convinces us that mothers also sin when they dare to pronounce such reckless curses on their children. And children who force their parents to such extreme actions – curses – sin doubly."

Having many examples of curses fulfilled, it is impossible to think that the power of parents over children is absolute, and it is even more inadmissible to attribute magical power to the words of a father or mother. Both an unreasonable blessing and a parental curse that contradicts Divine truth, the Lord does not fulfill. The Holy Scriptures say: "As a sparrow flutters, as a swallow flies away, so will the undeserved curse not come true" (Proverbs 26:2). The Psalmist also turns to the Lord: "They curse, but you bless" (Psalm 108:28). Parental unkind words are no exception to this truth.

Many parents, unfortunately, are in disbelief and blindness. Others, although they consider themselves believers, have damaged spirituality. It would be a great calamity for children if curses containing ill-will achieved their purpose. If children do not live in sin, if they fulfill the commandments, the most important of which is "honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long on earth" (Exodus 20:12), the merciful and all-good God will not only not fulfill the evil word of such parents, but will also protect the children.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has brought a blessing to this world. By His death on the Cross, He defeated the curse. "Therefore there is now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, not according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" (Romans 8:1). Therefore, the New Testament Holy Scripture forbids cursing: "Bless your persecutors; bless, and do not curse" (Romans 12:14). The one who curses commits a grave sin. "Whoever blesses his enemy, blesses himself, and whoever curses him, curses himself, and whoever prays for the enemy, prays for himself, and not for him" (St. John Chrysostom).

If, nevertheless, a father or mother curses one of the children in malice, anger and blindness, then it is necessary, first of all, to pray fervently for peace as a great treasure and for parents to have a peaceful spirit. Prayer reconciles people. A person on whom a curse is pronounced must very carefully examine his spiritual and external life: whether there was a reason for such a temptation, which the person could not see due to insensitivity and inattention. "Beware, Christians, of insulting your parents, lest you experience the punishing hand of God. After God, we have no greater benefactors than our parents. It's scary to be ungrateful to them! Moreover, know this: as you will be to your parents, so will your children be to you, according to the word of Christ: "In what measure you measure, it will be measured to you!" (Matt. 7:2)" (St. Tikhon of Zadonsk). It often happens that a person considers himself right, but in a conversation with him you become convinced that in his behavior the rightness was external, formal. There was neither love nor truly Christian humility in the relationship. Without this, it is impossible to fulfill the commandment "honor your father and your mother." The Holy Scriptures do not say: "a good father" or "a good mother". The commandment does not imply obedience from children that contradicts their Christian conscience, but forbids malice, hostility and even simple indifference towards them. A person who has fallen under the parental curse must also, without delay, prepare and proceed to full confession. Having done all this (honoring one's parents, praying for them, regularly cleansing oneself of sins, living in the grace-filled experience of the Church), a person must be freed from all fear and calmly follow his path of salvation.

"Honor thy father and mother in deed and word, that a blessing may come upon thee from them: for the blessing of the father establishes the houses of the children" (Sir. 3:8-9).

I have heard the opinion that those who live in a "civil" marriage are fornicators. Is this true?

Priest Athanasius Gumerov, a monk of Sretensky Monastery, the Holy Scriptures allow carnal relations between a man and a woman only in legal marriage. Unlegalized relationships are fornication. St. The Apostle Paul writes: "But if they cannot abstain from it, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to be inflamed" (1 Corinthians 7:9). The Holy Church blesses married life in the sacrament of marriage. State marriage, although spiritually inferior, is legal. Such a marriage was recognized by the holy apostles in the Roman Empire. "Civil marriage" is not legalized by anyone.