- It may be very unusual for the readers of the magazine that an Orthodox priest, and not just a priest – a theologian – has his own website on the Internet. How did you come up with the idea to open a website?

- Well, my head is not so arranged that such ideas come to it... It's just that a person came first, and just such an idea was floating in his head. Since by that time I had not had a single dive into the Internet, I shrugged it off at first... When such offers began to come regularly, words turned into attempts. Finally, there was a provider (the Vinchi group) who was able to do it professionally. Perhaps at first he had some kind of his own, non-religious interest in promoting my site - but in the end it turned out that working on the Internet costs me nothing...

- That is, the provider itself created the site for you?

- Yes, the provider created a website for me and paid for my work on the Internet.

- And how long has your site existed?

- Since 1998...

- And how did your superiors - you have bosses - how did your bosses react to the appearance of this site on the Internet?

- It's just that no one had any perplexed questions, - and therefore this topic was never discussed with my church authorities.

- Your forum has existed for several years, now it is an extensive system of communication, one of the brightest thematic platforms on the Runet. From the very beginning, you appeared on the forum much less often than regulars. Do you like that the forum bears your name, how much do you consider what is happening there to be your own?

- I do not have any proprietary feelings towards this forum. I limit my participation in it for many reasons. There is such a huge amount of information, so many threads and discussions that in order to work adequately in it, you need to devote your whole life to it. In a sense, I let the forum take its course, inviting the Orthodox to organize themselves. I am ready to grant any Orthodox, theologically educated person the right to moderate. But I myself do not abuse this right, if you look at the moderation diary that is on the forum, you will see that there are practically no topics that I would delete. When the forum worked for the first year, I realized that either I read all these messages, most of which do not deserve to be read, or I continue to read those books that surround me, including the Holy Fathers. And I preferred to stay in the traditional mode of work and not become an Internet pastor.