Avdeev D.A./Mental Diseases: Orthodox View / Library Golden-Ship.ru D.A. Avdeev Orthodox Encyclopedia "Home Doctor" in Questions and Answers

Most modern researchers agree that neurosis is a disease of personality. A person does not fall ill with neurosis suddenly, this ailment has its own period of pre-illness. It is possible to draw a kind of portrait of a "potential" neurotic, or rather, it will be a whole gallery of types, each of which has a tendency to transform potential, latent painful forces into real ones.

One of the distinctive features of such people is a style of thinking that has the character of uncompromising; In their assessments, there is a pronounced categoricality, much of what is happening has no shades for them and is built on contrast: bad - good. Neurosis more often arises as a result of internal personal processes. External provoking factors and circumstances are only the last straw, a trigger for the development of neurotic disorders.

A person prone to this ailment develops a kind of "ability" to react nervously to life. Some reasons for worries (conflicts, stresses) eventually go away, become irrelevant, but soon others take their place, and the disease resumes. 30. Question: Are there any stages in the development of neurosis? In the course of the disease, a neurotic reaction, acute and protracted neuroses, and neurotic development are distinguished.

The proposed scheme makes it possible to see and analyze the possibility of the transition of one type of flow into another (reaction – neurosis – development). Patients diagnosed with "neurotic development" are practically incapacitated, and they are often transferred to disability. 31. Question: Nervousness and sinful passion. Explain their relationship. Neuroses are rightly called a neglected form of passions (

meaning passion in the patristic sense of the word, as a sinful disposition of the soul). At the root of various neurotic symptoms lies the impoverishment of love in the human heart, and where there is no love, indifference, hostility, intolerance, irritability, anger, envy, fear, etc., ripen.

As soon as I see that a neighbor or acquaintance has something better, I can't find a place for myself, as if I burn from the inside." Many neurotics speak of spiritual insensibility, some kind of inner coldness. St. Seraphim of Sarov taught: "God is a fire that warms and kindles hearts and wombs. Thus, if we feel in our hearts the coldness that comes from the devil, for the devil is cold, then let us call upon the Lord, and He, having come, will warm our hearts with perfect love not only for Him, but also for our neighbor.

And from the face of warmth the coldness of the hater will be cast out." Every illness has spiritual roots, but it is sometimes impossible to recognize them, while neurosis stands out from other mental and somatic diseases in that it is a kind of sensitive moral barometer. Its connection with the spiritual sphere is obvious, and the emergence of this ailment as a result of mental torment and remorse can be rapid.

However, sin only creates a spiritual ground for the emergence of neurosis, while the development of neurotic manifestations depends on the characteristics of the character, conditions of life and upbringing, neurophysiological prerequisites, as well as various stresses and other circumstances, many of which are difficult to take into account. It is impossible to fit everything into one scheme, life is much more complicated. In one person, neurosis is formed, and in another, the reaction is limited to shock, but the disease does not occur.

The deep essence of neuroses is a mystery known only to the Lord. The difficulties associated with the search for the causes of neuroses are largely due to the fact that the majority of scientists and practitioners have tried and are trying to solve this complex problem on their own, without God's help, without faith in Christ. Moreover, the spirituality of the patient is either replaced by education, erudition, or is not taken into account at all, denied, although many consequences of spiritual damage in a person suffering from neurosis have been discovered, in our opinion, correctly.

Но говоря о патологии процесса самопознания, «невротическом» строе мышления и особенностях эмоциональной сферы, необходимо понимать, что прежде эти же качества расстроились на духовном уровне, а уже затем отразились в душевной жизни человека. Надо заметить, что клиника невротических расстройств за последние 10-15 лет существенно изменилась. Она стала более сложной, запутанной (

как, впрочем, и души обращающихся за помощью людей), а течение недуга – более затяжным. Постоянно растет непонимание между людьми, даже самыми близкими; достучаться до ума и сердца пациента становится, на наш взгляд, все труднее и труднее. И это не только наше наблюдение, но и мнение многих коллег по работе. Вот еще одно наблюдение. В последние годы стал очень популярным хлесткий, как удар кнута, термин «стресс».

Он неизвестен разве что маленькому ребенку. Православный врач В. К. Невярович совершенно верно указывает: «В наше же время в понятие «стресс» (с психологической точки зрения) вошли чуть ли не все неприятные и тягостные для человека явления: ссора, конфликт, обида, печаль, переутомление, зависть, разочарование и пр. Границы стресса чрезвычайно размыты, не случайно Ганс Селье (автор теории стресса)

утверждал, что пока человек жив – он находится в состоянии стресса. Греховные страсти остаются неведомыми нехристианским ученым. Зато найден некий мистический новый невидимый универсальный враг человечества по имени «стресс», с которым наука пытается бороться. Какими же способами? Самыми разнообразными – от аутотренинга, массажей, бань, транквилизаторов до путешествий, медитаций и специальной «противострессовой диеты».

Сами же люди по старинке прибегают нередко к водке, а в последнее время многие пристрастились и к наркотикам». 32. Вопрос: Какие еще причины духовного порядка могут вызывать невроз? Невроз (особенно некоторые его формы: упорные навязчивые состояния, стойкие страхи) может быть также следствием дьявольского ополчения. Иначе как можно, к примеру, расценить непреодолимое желание мыть руки до нескольких десятков раз перед едой или пересчитывать пуговицы на пальто у встречающихся прохожих и т. п.?