Avdeev D.A./Mental Diseases: Orthodox View / Library Golden-Ship.ru D.A. Avdeev Orthodox Encyclopedia "Home Doctor" in Questions and Answers

Q: In recent years, more and more children and adolescents have experienced serious health problems, including mental health problems. Tell us about children's nervousness. 97. Question: What are the manifestations of children's neuroses? 98. Question: What other manifestations of children's nervousness require medical intervention? 99. Question: How does school neurosis proceed? 100.

Question: What can you advise in order to prevent children's nervousness? 101. Question: A sex education program is being introduced in Russian schools. How will this upbringing affect the psyche of children? 102. Question: I have heard that the subject of "valeology" is being introduced in educational institutions, which "does not disdain" occult psycho-techniques. Is this true? 103.

Question: Tell us about the origin of fears. 104. Question: Tell us about phobias. 105. Question: What does the word "insurance" mean? 106. Question: What is known about the spiritual nature of fears? 107. Question: I have heard that fear and vanity are somehow connected. Is this true? 108. Question: How to overcome fears? 109.

Question: I read about phobias of occult origin. Have you encountered similar cases? 110. Question: Tell us about children's fears. 111. Question: Is hysteria a mental illness or a character trait? 112. Question: How to react to hysterical behavior (in the event that there is a need to react to it)? 113.

Question: Problems of the modern family, fathers and sons. What do you think about this? 114. Question: Tell us about modern psychotherapy. 115. Question: How are psychology and psychotherapy related? 116. Question: What is Freud's psychoanalysis? 117. Question: What do the Holy Fathers say about hypnosis? 118. Question: How does hypnosis affect children? 119.

Question: Is it true that many Western psychologists were fond of occult experiences? 120. Question: How useful is autogenic training in order to be able to "relieve" tension and fall asleep quickly? 121. Question: In the polyclinic, I was offered to undergo a course of hypnosis treatment for nervous exhaustion and insomnia. I would like to know the opinion of the Orthodox Church about this method of psychic influence. 122.

Q: Are yoga and meditation beneficial? 123. Question: Tell us about the psychology of Dale Carnegie. Alcoholism and Drug Addiction 124. Question: Is drunkenness a sin or a disease? 125. Question: How does alcohol dependence develop? 126. Question: Tell us about alcoholic psychoses. 127. Question: Are there any peculiarities in the development of female alcoholism? 128. Question: "Adolescent alcoholism." Explain the features of its course. 129.

Question: What is "alcoholic embryopathy"? 130. Question: Where do the origins of the "alcoholic personality" go? 131. Question: How to overcome alcoholism? 132. Question: Is it permissible to be treated for alcoholism by the method of "coding"? 133. Question: Can drunkenness be treated with the help of the "placebo" effect? 134. Question: What is important for a person who has decided to eradicate the sinful disease of drinking wine? 135. Question: I was an alcoholic. But now, with God's help, I don't drink.

Can I drink a little wine from time to time? 136. Question: What is the scale of drug addiction in Russia? 137. Question: List the main characteristics of drug addiction. 138. Question: Tell us about the so-called psychic dependence on drugs. 139. Question: Tell us about the harm caused by drugs to health. 140.

Question: What is the main reason for the use of narcotic drugs? 141. Question: My son is a drug addict. There are clinics in which crisis phenomena are relieved in a few days, with the help of various medications, and well-being is normalized. And what to do next? 142. Question: Are there any indirect signs that can be used by a teenager? 143. Question: How to get rid of smoking? 144.

Question: What can be recommended to someone who wants to quit smoking? Orthodox Psychotherapy 145. Question: Tell us about Orthodox psychotherapy. 146. Question: What is the distinguishing feature of Orthodox psychotherapy? 147. Question: What is the main principle of Orthodox psychotherapy? 148. Question: Does Orthodox psychotherapy encounter difficulties on the path of its development? 149. Question: How can we remain calm?

Could you offer at least some general recommendations? 150. Question: Tell me what to oppose to sorrows? 1. Question: How should an Orthodox Christian relate to illnesses? There is no person on Earth who is devoid of diseases and sorrows. The sin of the forefathers changed the high position that the Lord granted to people. And, having lost Eden, man gained... decay and death.

But God's mercy does not leave us, sinners and unworthy. Illnesses and sorrows are both hardships for us, and admonition, and reward from God. By them we, enduring them without complaint, are cleansed of sins, grow spiritually and prepare ourselves for eternity. Humility and patience, hope in the Lord and His good will – this is a truly Christian attitude. If such behavior is such, then it strengthens the sick person morally, is imputed to him as a podvig.

In this case, in the face of sorrows and ailments, a person shows the victory of the spirit over the flesh, of good over evil. Our Savior gave us an example of the greatest patience, love and meekness, enduring the sufferings of the Cross and praying for His crucifiers. Illness is a time of self-examination, a time of reflection, a time of repentance. Let us remember that everything is from God: both sickness and health. And everything that is from God is for our good. Therefore, let us not lose heart.