Valentin Mordasov /What do you advise, Father?/ The Library THE GRACE-FILLED WORD OF THE ASCETICS OF PIETY: WHAT DO YOU ADVISE, FATHER? Answers to the Difficulties of Everyday Christian Life and Church Piety MOSCOW 2011   Orthodox Library Golden Ship, 2012 UDC 248 BBK 86.

It should be remembered that too frequent and long visits can be burdensome, tiring for patients. How can you console those who have been robbed or who have lost money themselves? Patiently enduring the loss of treasures is tantamount to voluntary almsgiving. How to behave when you are in a bad mood?

It is better not to show gloomy moods to others as much as possible. How to drive away the enemy's fear and anguish? In order to drive away the enemy's fear and anguish, it is salutary to read aloud the Psalms of David, for they drive away demons. Even more salvific from the misfortune of demons is the reading of the Holy Gospel. Is it permissible to visit the sick who do not believe in God?

Anyone can visit the sick, even non-believers, as long as there is no harm to the soul; otherwise, in case of harm, do not walk. Tell me, what is allowed for the sake of need? St. Tikhon of Zadonsk says that if a hungry man happened to eat the meat of a dead horse out of necessity, then he would not have sinned. If necessary, the Church allows: priests to celebrate the Liturgy at home (or in the forest) with or without an antimension (

on a martyr's icon, of course, need is persecution), to perform a funeral service in absentia when necessary, to commune vomiting patients with a small particle-grain (St. John of Kronstadt says that even in the smallest particle is the whole of Christ[116]). For the laity, to baptize (for the sake of mortal danger), to relax the fast for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those who are at hard work, to make general confession, for the infirm, sick and old to replace the vow given to God through a spiritual father with another vow, etc.

Is it possible to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of troubles when there is a way to get rid of them? St. Theophan the Recluse answered: "Straitness is from God... We tolerate and thank. But if there are ways at hand to get away from them, and this is from God, and there is no sin in using them and freeing oneself from the straits."

How can the authorities and superiors be from God, when we see that bad leaders are more than common? "The establishment of power is the work of God, and the fact that vicious people are admitted to it and are not used as they should depends on the depravity of people" (St. John Chrysostom) [118].

Is it possible to avenge an offense against a non-Christian Jew? I do not advise you to take revenge. Although the Jew is not a Christian, he is still our neighbor; perhaps he will be changed in the same way as Saul, who, having accepted Christianity, became Paul. We must leave vengeance to the Lord God for the offenses that our neighbors inflict on us; He recompenses everyone according to his deeds, and our business is to forgive the offender.

For this I present to you the following example: "A certain monk, being offended by another monk, came to the elder and, having told him what and how had happened between them, he angrily exclaimed: "I will not fail to take revenge on him!" No matter how much the elder persuaded him, no matter how much he advised him to leave it to God to avenge himself, the distressed monk did not listen to him and incessantly repeated: "I cannot be calm until I repay the insult with an insult."

Weeping over the monk's error, the elder fell silent for a while, then said to him: "It is time for prayer; let us, dear brother, offer sacrifice to God." The elder stood up and began to read the following: "Lord our God! We do not trust in You; do not take care of us, do not avenge us; we will start and finish everything ourselves." Hearing this, the monk was horrified and fell at the feet of the elder. "I don't want to have a quarrel with my brother," he said through tears, "I don't want to take revenge on him."

Then, turning to God, he exclaimed: "One avenger of iniquity! Forgive my sin!" The elder, rejoicing over the monk's repentance, said to him: "Be assured, my son, that he who has endured vexation will be saved without difficulty; but he who is angry with his brother destroys all his virtue and works for the devil" (Prologue, June 20). So you do the same!

Rely on the Lord, and He Himself will punish you for your offense. How long do you have to endure? The field of patience is wide and continues throughout a person's life, as well as encompasses all the destinies of mankind in this world. With patience a person acquires and preserves all goods, succeeds in undertakings, achieves the fulfillment of desires, harmlessly withstands the adversity of evil.

Having lost patience, he is immediately in danger of losing good and suffering evil, or, what is more miserable, doing evil. Without patience there is no podvig; and without podvig there is no virtue or spiritual gift, there is no salvation. For the kingdom of heaven is taken by force (Matt. 11: 12). Is it possible to find true and complete consolation in friendship?

Consolation is a gift from heaven, and it is only from heaven, from the far-off lands of our heavenly fatherland, that it can be received. Therefore, it is not our friend who comforts us, but God sends us a friend either to console us when we are in distress, or to help us when we are in need, or to heal us when we are sick, or to heal us when we are wounded, or for advice when we are at a loss and do not know what to decide[119].

How to warm a cold soul? By the Word of God, by prayer, by the humble, repentant and grateful feeling of the heart in relation to God – in all the changes not only of the external state, but also of the internal. Is it possible to take revenge on the one who offended me, if such an opportunity presented itself? "When the enemy falls into your hands, consider it a time not of his punishment, but of salvation.