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For if no one can speak of the Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:3), then who will lay down his life for Jesus without the help of the Holy Spirit?

22. The Holy Spirit is great, omnipotent in gifts, and wondrous. Think how many of you are now, how many souls are here! He acts by adapting himself to everyone: being among us, he sees each attribute, sees thoughts and conscience, knows also what we say and what we think about. Great indeed is what I have said about Him, but it is still not enough. You, who have an enlightened mind from Him, see how many Christians are in our region and in all Palestine; then turn your mind's gaze from this region to the entire Roman kingdom; and after this look at the whole world, at the tribes of Persia, at the peoples of India, at the Goths and Sarmatians, at the Gauls and the Gispanians, at the Moors and the Libyans and the Ethiopians, and at other peoples unknown to us.

For we do not know many peoples even by name. Look at the bishops, presbyters, deacons, monastic virgins in every nation, and also the laity. See how this great Intercessor and Giver of gifts, in all the whole world, bestows purity on one, eternal virginity on another, disposition to almsgiving, love for poverty to another, and power to cast out nasty spirits to another; and as light illuminates all things by the mere striving of the ray, so the Holy Spirit enlightens those who have eyes.

Therefore, if anyone who is blind does not receive grace, let him not reproach the Spirit, but his own unbelief.

23. You have seen His power at work throughout the world; do not stop on earth, but be lifted up on high; ascend with your mind to the first heaven, and look there at the myriad of Angels. Ascend with your thoughts, if you can, and higher. Look at the Archangels, look at these Spirits, look at the Powers, look at the Principalities, look at the Powers, look at the Thrones, look at the Dominion.

The Comforter for all of them is the Ruler from God, and the Teacher and Sanctifier. Men have need of Him, Elijah, and Elisha, and Isaiah; the angels, Michael and Gabriel, have need of Him. Nothing created has an equal dignity to Him. The ranks of angels and all of them together have no equality with the Holy Spirit. All of them are invisible before the all-good power of the Comforter. They are sent into service, and this one searches both the depths of God, as the Apostle says, for the Spirit searches all things, and the depths of God.

For who is the message of man, which is in man, the spirit of man that dwelleth in him? In the same way there is no message of God, but the Spirit of God (1 Corinthians 2:10, 11).

24. He proclaimed Christ in the prophets; He acted in the Apostles; To this day in Baptism He seals souls. And although the Father gives everything to the Son, the Son gives it to the Holy Spirit. Jesus Himself says this, not I: all things are committed to Me by My Father (Matt. 11:27). And of the Holy Spirit He says: When He comes, the Spirit of truth, etc. (John 16:13). He will glorify Me, as He will receive from Me, and He will declare it to you (14).

The Father gives everything through the Son together with the Holy Spirit. Not other gifts of the Father, some of the Son, but others of the Holy Spirit. There is one salvation, one power, one faith, one God the Father, one Lord, His only-begotten Son, one Holy Spirit the Comforter. It is enough for us to know this; but do not be curious about His nature, or His essence. For if it had been written, we would have said. What is not written, we dare not say.

It is enough for us to know for salvation that there is a Father, and a Son, and the Holy Spirit.

25. This Spirit descended upon the seventy elders in the time of Moses: (but let not a long conversation be a burden to you, beloved; may He Himself, of whom we speak, give strength to all of us, both to me who speaks and to you who hear). This Spirit descended, as I said, upon the seventy elders in the time of Moses. and this I offer you in order to show now that He knows all things, and acts as He pleases.

Seventy elders were chosen: and the Lord descended in the cloud, and received from the Spirit, which was upon Moses, and put an elder upon the seventy men (Num. 11:23): it was not the Spirit that was divided, but grace was divided according to the readiness and ability of those who received it. But sixty-eight were there and prophesied; Eldad and Modad were not there. Therefore, in order to show that it was not Moses who communicated this gift, but the working Spirit, Eldad and Modad, although they were called, did not come, and yet prophesied.

26. Joshua, the successor of Moses, was amazed, and when he came, he said to Moses, "You have heard that Eldad and Modad prophesy, they were called, and they did not come, 'My Lord, to Moses! rebuke them" (Num. 11:28). I cannot forbid them, says Moses, for this is a heavenly gift: and much less can I forbid them, since I myself have the gift of grace. But I do not think that you said this out of envy.

Do not be jealous that they prophesy, and you do not yet prophesy. Wait for time. And who will give all the people of the Lord (to be) prophets, when the Lord gives his Spirit upon them (29)? Moses also said this prophetically, "When the Lord gives." Now he has not yet given: therefore thou hast not yet had. Did not Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph have this Spirit? Did those who were formerly their former also not have Him?