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But these words, when the Lord gives, obviously mean that He will give it to all. Now grace is partial, then it will be given in abundance. He spoke divination about what happened to us on the day of Pentecost: for the same Spirit came to us. He had come down to many before. For it is written: "And Joshua the son of Nun shall be filled with the Spirit of wisdom: for Moses lay his hands on him" (Deuteronomy 34:9).

Do you see that everywhere, both in the Old and New Testaments, the Spirit was communicated in the same way? In the time of Moses, the Spirit was communicated by means of ordination; and Peter communicated the Spirit by putting on him: "And grace shall descend upon thee, when thou shalt be baptized: in what manner? I do not say; for it is not yet the time.

27. This Spirit descended upon all the righteous and prophets, i.e. Enos, Enoch, Noah, and others: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. As for Joseph, Pharaoh already knew that he had the Spirit of God in him. You have heard many times about Moses and his miraculous actions performed by the power of the Spirit. The courageous Job and all the Saints had this Spirit: although we do not count the names of all of them.

28. By the power of this Spirit, as we read in the book of Judges, Othniel judged; Gideon was strong, Jephah overcame, Deborah's wife waged war; and Sampson, as long as he did righteousness and did not offend the Spirit, did by His power works greater than man. About Samuel and David we clearly read in the books of Kings, how they themselves prophesied by the Holy Spirit, and other prophets were leaders. Samuel was called a seer (1 Samuel 9, 9)

, and David clearly says: "The Spirit of the Lord has spoken in me" (2 Samuel 23:2); and in the Psalms: "And take not away Thy Holy Spirit from me" (Psalm 50:13); and in another place: "Thy good Spirit shall guide me to the land of righteousness" (Psalm 142:10). In the book of Chronicles we read that Azariah was vouchsafed the Holy Spirit in the reign of Asa, and Josiel in the reign of Josephat; and another Azariah, stoned to death.

Ezra says: "And thy good Spirit hast gave, that thou shalt teach them" (Neh. 9:20). Of Elijah, who was taken to heaven, and of Elisseus, these Spirit-bearers and wonder-workers, though we do not speak; it is known, however, that they were filled with the Holy Spirit.

29. If anyone reads all the books of the twelve and other prophets, he will find many testimonies about the Holy Spirit. Micah says in the presence of God: "Unless I am filled with power with the Spirit of the Lord" (Micah 3:8). Joel exclaims, "And thou shalt be after these things," saith God, "I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and so forth." (Joel 2:28). Haggai says: "I am not with you," saith the Lord Almighty, "and my Spirit shall dwell in your midst" (Haggai 2:5-6).

Likewise, the 3 Achariah: Accept both my words and my laws, since I command in Dous my servant the Prophet, and so on. (Zech. 1:6).

30. Isaiah commandingly says: "And the Spirit of God shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and godliness, and the Spirit of the fear of God shall fill him" (Isaiah 11I:2, 3). The prophet shows that although the Spirit is one and inseparable, His actions are different. And in another place: "Jacob my servant" (Isaiah 41:1), and then: "I will put my Spirit upon thy seed." (Ibid. 44:3). And again: "The Lord hath sent me, and His Spirit" (48:16).

Likewise, "This is to them, who is a covenant from me," the Lord said, "My Spirit which is in thee" (59:21). And also: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for His sake I am anointed, and so on. (Isaiah 61:1); then saying to the Jews, "But I have not submitted, and have angered His Holy Spirit" (63:10), again: "Where is he who has put the Holy Spirit in them" (11)? Remember (if only you are not tired of hearing) the testimony already quoted from Ezekiel: "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and said unto me, Speak, this saith the Lord" (Ezekiel 11:5).

The words "This" that attack me must be taken in a good way: they signify strong love; as, for example, when Jacob saw Joseph, he attacked his neck (Gen. 46:20), and how the loving father mentioned in the Gospel, seeing his son returning from a distant country, was moved by mercy, and fell upon his neck, and kissed him (Luke 15:20); and again in Ezekiel, And bring me to the land of the Chaldeans as a captive; in a vision by the Spirit of God (Ezekiel 11:24).

And you have heard other testimonies before in the teaching about Baptism: "And I will sprinkle pure water on you," and so on. (Ezekiel 36:25) and I will give you (26). And immediately, "And I will give my Spirit in you: later; and the hand of the Lord shall be upon me, and he shall bring me forth in the Spirit of the Lord (Ezekiel 37:1).

31. This Holy Spirit made Daniel's soul wise, so that he became the judge of the elders when he was a young man. The chaste Susanna was condemned as an adulterer: there was no defender, who could deliver her from the judges? She was led to death, she was already in the hands of murderers. But the Helper appeared, the Comforter, the Spirit, sanctifying the entire intellectual nature. Go, young man, He says to Daniel, rebuke the elders of the sins of youth.

For it is written: "God raised up a young child by the Holy Spirit" (Dan. 13:45), and yet, let us say briefly, by the voice of Daniel the chaste Susanna was saved. For the sake of testimony, we only offer this. For now is not the time to narrate in detail. And Nebuchadnezzar knowed that the Holy Ghost was in Daniel. For he said to him: "Belshazzar, the prince of charmers, I understand her as the Holy Spirit of God (Dan. 4:6).