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Likewise, the 3 Achariah: Accept both my words and my laws, since I command in Dous my servant the Prophet, and so on. (Zech. 1:6).

30. Isaiah commandingly says: "And the Spirit of God shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and strength, the Spirit of knowledge and godliness, and the Spirit of the fear of God shall fill him" (Isaiah 11I:2, 3). The prophet shows that although the Spirit is one and inseparable, His actions are different. And in another place: "Jacob my servant" (Isaiah 41:1), and then: "I will put my Spirit upon thy seed." (Ibid. 44:3). And again: "The Lord hath sent me, and His Spirit" (48:16).

Likewise, "This is to them, who is a covenant from me," the Lord said, "My Spirit which is in thee" (59:21). And also: The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, for His sake I am anointed, and so on. (Isaiah 61:1); then saying to the Jews, "But I have not submitted, and have angered His Holy Spirit" (63:10), again: "Where is he who has put the Holy Spirit in them" (11)? Remember (if only you are not tired of hearing) the testimony already quoted from Ezekiel: "And the Spirit of the Lord came upon me, and said unto me, Speak, this saith the Lord" (Ezekiel 11:5).

The words "This" that attack me must be taken in a good way: they signify strong love; as, for example, when Jacob saw Joseph, he attacked his neck (Gen. 46:20), and how the loving father mentioned in the Gospel, seeing his son returning from a distant country, was moved by mercy, and fell upon his neck, and kissed him (Luke 15:20); and again in Ezekiel, And bring me to the land of the Chaldeans as a captive; in a vision by the Spirit of God (Ezekiel 11:24).

And you have heard other testimonies before in the teaching about Baptism: "And I will sprinkle pure water on you," and so on. (Ezekiel 36:25) and I will give you (26). And immediately, "And I will give my Spirit in you: later; and the hand of the Lord shall be upon me, and he shall bring me forth in the Spirit of the Lord (Ezekiel 37:1).

31. This Holy Spirit made Daniel's soul wise, so that he became the judge of the elders when he was a young man. The chaste Susanna was condemned as an adulterer: there was no defender, who could deliver her from the judges? She was led to death, she was already in the hands of murderers. But the Helper appeared, the Comforter, the Spirit, sanctifying the entire intellectual nature. Go, young man, He says to Daniel, rebuke the elders of the sins of youth.

For it is written: "God raised up a young child by the Holy Spirit" (Dan. 13:45), and yet, let us say briefly, by the voice of Daniel the chaste Susanna was saved. For the sake of testimony, we only offer this. For now is not the time to narrate in detail. And Nebuchadnezzar knowed that the Holy Ghost was in Daniel. For he said to him: "Belshazzar, the prince of charmers, I understand her as the Holy Spirit of God (Dan. 4:6).

On the one hand, he spoke the truth, and on the other hand, an evil lie: that he had the Holy Spirit is true. But he was not a prince of charmers; for he was not a sorcerer, but was wise of the Holy Spirit. Before this, Daniel explained to him a vision of the image, which he himself did not understand; Tell me, he said, a vision which I have seen, but I do not know. You see the power of the Holy Spirit; what those who have seen themselves do not know, those who have not seen know and explain.

32. It was true that one could gather a great deal of testimony from the Old Testament, and one could see a great deal of evidence about the Holy Spirit, but there is not much time; At the same time, one must take care not to burden those who hear. Why now, while we are satisfied with the testimonies from the Old Testament, the rest of the New, if it pleases God, we will offer in the next sermon. But the God of peace is our Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit (Romans 15:30)

всех вас да сподобит духовных и небесных даров. Слава ему и держава во веки веков. Аминь.

Огласительное поучение семнадцатое К готовящимся в Иерусалиме ко просвещению, говоренное без приготовления, в котором предлагается продолжение учения о Святом Духе, и на слова из первого послания к Коринфянам: овому Духом дается слово премудрости, и проч. (1 Кор. 12, 8).

1. В прежнем поучении мы, сколько могли, предложили любви вашей, слушатели, некоторую часть свидетельств о Св. Духе: теперь, по воле Божией, приведем еще, сколько можно будет, оставшиеся свидетельства из Нового Завета. Прежде, дабы не отягчить вашего слуха, я остановил ревность вашу (ибо словом о Святом Духе никогда насытиться не можно): ныне предложим некоторую часть того, что осталось сказать.

Я чистосердечно признаюсь ныне, что немощь наша не может вместить всего, сказанного о сем в Писании, впрочем, и теперь не буду прибегать, к человеческому мудрованию, ибо это бесполезно; предложу токмо то, что содержится в Св. Писании, ибо сие совершенно безопасно, по словам святого Апостола Павла, который говорит: яже и глаголем не в наученых человеческия премудрости словесех, но в наученых Духа Святаго, духовная духовными сразсуждающе (1 Кор. 2, 13).

Мы подобно путешествующим или плывущим поступаем, которые, имея одну цель в дальнем пути своем, хотя с усердием поспешают достигнуть оной; однако же, по причине немощи человеческой, обыкновенно останавливаются для отдохновения в известных городах или пристанях.