Daniil Sysoev /Commentary on the Apocalypse/ Library Golden-Ship.ru Priest Daniel Sysoev Commentary on the Apocalypse   Ed. Golden-Ship.ru 2012     Charitable Foundation "Missionary Center named after Priest Daniel Sysoev" Moscow, 2011 Recommended for publication by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church IS11-108-0823 Executive editor — Nina Krivko Proofreader — Galina Digtyarenko Layout — Ruslan Nabiev Cover, title page — Igor Ermolaev For many people, the Apocalypse is about catastrophes and terrible events, the advent of the Antichrist, natural disasters, wars and the end of the world.

There will be no sleep in the new Jerusalem either, because there will be no need for it. As the prophet Isaiah said: "Those who trust in the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall lift up their wings like eagles, they shall flow and not be weary, they shall walk and not be weary" (Isaiah 40:31). The righteous will gain wings and will fly, needing neither sleep nor rest.

"Its gates shall not be shut in the daytime; but there shall be no night there" (Rev. 21:25). The gates of the heavenly city will not be locked, because there is no need to lock them during the day. The enemy has been destroyed – there is no one to darken the blessed life of the saved. No evil will pass or creep into the city, there will be no more sins or evil thoughts. "And they shall bring into it the glory and honor of the nations" (Rev. 21:26).

To the risen Christ, to His light of Tabor, all nations will bring their glory and honor. The entire renewed universe will flock to the throne of God and the Lamb. We are already seeing the beginning of this process. Each nation tries to bring all its beauty to the Church: majestic temples decorated with traditional national ornaments, beautiful icons, luxurious vestments.

People pray in different languages: Tatar, Romanian, Greek, and so on. All these are glimpses of the glory and splendor that await the saved in the New Jerusalem. This city will include all the best that humanity has created. Globalization will take place, but "according to the Holy Trinity" – on the foundation, on the foundation, on the rock whose name is Jesus Christ. Earthly Globalization Is Babylonian 317   a harlot who is waiting to be burned, and globalization in the city of God is the eternal unity of all peoples singing a hymn of joy before the resurrected Jesus Christ.

"And no unclean thing shall enter into it, nor shall any one be given over to abomination and falsehood, but only those which are written in the Lamb's book of life" (Rev. 21:27). Only those who are recorded in the Book of Life of God will enter this city, only those who are baptized in the Orthodox faith have a chance of salvation, of entering the New Jerusalem. The choice will be made by everyone, and after Baptism this choice will no longer exist. Freedom of choice will end. What is God's action in the world?

These are the so-called probability theory, the theory of relativity, and the theory of uncertainty. God does not bind anyone. But even Baptism does not mean automatic salvation, because the world is not reducible to any mechanical laws, it is ruled by several freedoms: the freedom of God, the freedom of people and the freedom of Angels. 318 Chapter twenty-two "And he showed me a pure river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb" (Rev. 22:1).

In the heart of the city itself, the New Jerusalem, flows a wonderfully clear river of the water of life, bright as crystal, emanating from the Throne of God and the Lamb. What is this water of life? This is the grace of the Lord God, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third hypostasis of the Holy Trinity. The Holy Spirit proceeds from God the Father, and through the Son He is poured out on all creation. As the prophets predicted, the water of life is the Holy Spirit, Who has now been poured out on people.

The gift given to the apostles on the day of Pentecost will be manifest after the end of the world—this gift is the core, the most important hope of Christians. Why is it called the water of life? Because whoever drinks this water will live forever. This water of life, the water of immortality, fills a person so that he will never thirst again. As the Lord said: "Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks the water that I will give him will never thirst; but the water which I shall give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing up into eternal life" (John 4:13-14).

"The river that proceeds from the Church," explains St. Andrew of Caesarea, "is allegorically called the baptism of the Fatherhood, because those who are washed in it by the action of the Holy Spirit are made purer than snow and crystal. And the river of God flowing through the heavenly Jerusalem, full of water, is the Life-Giving Spirit proceeding from God the Father, giving water through the Angel and the higher powers, called 319   the thrones of God, and the walls of the holy city, that is, its inhabitants."

Престолом Бога Отца и Его Сына являются высшие небесные силы, которые так и называются — Пре­столами. Часто на иконах их изображают в виде огненных колес или в виде колес с множеством глаз на ободьях. Это высшие небесные силы, первыми принимающие на себя излияния Святого Духа, и далее от них Он ниспускается на все творение. И вот здесь апостол Иоанн говорит, что видел «чистую реку воды жизни» (Откр. 22, 1).

Река Божия наполнилась, как и обещал древний пророк, то есть достигла нас. Если рань­ше люди чувствовали только ручейки, пили от источни­ка, то теперь сама жизнь вливается в этот мир и наполняет его. И наполняет настолько, что не оставляет места ничему скверному, а, напротив, делает человека сверхмогуществен­ным, сверхсильным, поэтому она и есть чистейшая вода жиз­ни.

Чистейший Святой Дух, исходящий от Бога Отца через Христа, вливается в сердца людей, очищая всякого челове­ка. И именно об этом говорят древние пророки. Похожее видение было у пророка Иезекииля — его глазам предстал удивительный новый Иерусалим и Храм, то есть тело Хри­ста: «Потом привел он меня обратно к дверям храма, и вот, из-под порога храма течет вода на восток, ибо храм стоял лицом на вос­ток, и вода текла из-под правого бока храма, по южную сторону жертвенника.

163 И вывел меня северными воротами, и внешним путем обвел меня к внешним воротам, путем, обращенным к вос­току; и вот, вода течет по правую сторону. Когда тот муж пошел на восток, то в руке держал шнур, и отмерил тысячу локтей, и повел меня по воде; воды было по лодыжку» (Иез. 47, 1-3). Все время на восток и направо, потому что это восточная вода, вода правой жизни, ведь имя Бога — Восток востоков.

Восток — это место, где восходит солнце, поэтому источник света — Бог — и называется Востоком в Писании. И вода течет в вос- 320   точном направлении, потому что приводит людей к Творцу. В Писании сказано, что «все мы одним Духом крестились в одно тело, Иудеи или Еллины, рабы или свободным, и все напоены одним Духом» (1 Кор. 12, 13).