Prof. A. F. Losev


1. Introductory remarks

2. "Iliad"

3. "Odyssey"

4. Homer's Translations

5. Necessary literature to get acquainted with Homer

6. Mythological Guides

7. Historical Guides

8. Homer's School Greek Texts

9. Manuals for the study of Homer's Greek text

10. Marxist-Leninist study of Homer

Part I. Homer and His Time

I. Homer's Contradictions

1. Plot contradictions

2. Other contradictions

3. What is the "Homeric question"?

II. Homer in the History of Ancient Culture

1. Distribution, performance and first recording of Homer's poems

2. The question of Homer's attitude to the recently deciphered Cretan-Mycenaean script

3. Popular tradition about Homer

4. Ancient criticism of Homer

III. Homer in Modern Times

1. The Homeric question in the West before Wolff

2. Fr.-Aug. Wolf

3. The Homeric question after Wolff

4. The latest works on Homer

IV. Some Conclusions from the History of the Homeric Question

1. The people as a creative individual and the individual as a creative people

2. Homer is a reflection of the history of the Greek people

3. The personality of Homer and the design of his works

4. Epic Artist

5. Greek Epic Painter

6. Greek Ionian Epic Painter

7. Greek Ionian epic artist of the epoch of the disintegration of the communal-clan system and its transition to the slave-holding formation

8. The Attic Conclusion of the Homeric Epic