Prof. A. F. Losev

9. The People of Homer

10. The Time and Place of Homer's Life

11. The current state of the question of the commission of Peisistratus and the Homeric reform of Solon

12. Homer's text in antiquity

13. The main thesis of Homeric studies

14. Another problem

V. Socio-historical basis

1. The struggle of the new with the old

2. Estates

3. Organization of power

4. Military democracy

5. Lack of legal formalism

6. Conclusion

VI. On Homer's Progressive Tendencies

1. Anti-war trend

2. A peaceful way of life in Homer's comparisons

3. Anti-aristocratic tendency

4. Other progressive trends

Part II: Homer's Artistic Mastery

I. The Epic and Its Socio-Historical Basis

1. Misunderstanding of Epic Style

2. The essence of the epic style

3. The middle position of the epic

II. Principles of Homer's style

1. Strict Epic Style and Free (Mixed) Epic Style

2. Objectivity of the epic

3. Thorough efficiency of the epic

4. Picturesqueness and plasticity of the epic

5. Periods of plastic perception of the world in Homer

6. Anti-psychologism and the material image of the psyche

7. Совмещение у Гомера божественного предопределения и свободной психологии

8. Традиционность и стандартность эпоса

9. Монументальность эпоса

10. Отсутствие мелочей в эпосе, наивность

11. Уравновешенно-созерцательное спокойствие эпоса