Hierodeacon Macarius (Petanov)

"If he does, he will recover within a year.

– I want to ask you to take us to Heaven.

–Yes! I'll pick up Jacinta and Francisco soon. But you're going to stay here for a while. Jesus wants people to know and love Me with your help. He wants to establish the worship of My Immaculate Heart on Earth.

"Will I stay here alone?" I asked sadly.

"No, my child!" Are you suffering? Don't lose courage. I will never leave you; My Immaculate Heart will be your refuge and the path that leads you to God.

At the moment when She spoke the last words, She opened Her hands and gave us a second reflection of this matchless light. In it, we felt immersed in God. Jacinta and Francisco seemed to be standing in the part of the world that was rising to Heaven, and I was in the part that was spilling to the earth. On the right palm of Our Lady was a Heart surrounded by thorns that seemed to be pierced into Him. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, wounded by the sins of mankind and desiring redemption.

When the vision disappeared, the Lady, always surrounded by the light that emanated from Her, rose without the slightest effort above the green meadow and began to rise smoothly towards the east, until she disappeared completely. Several people who were very close to it noticed that the upper foliage of the tree was bent in the same direction, as if the Mistress's robe had passed over it. It remained like this for several hours until it returned to its previous state."

As for the second phenomenon of "The Lady", we can say the following. Its main content was "The Immaculate Heart": firstly, Lucia was informed that Jesus "wants to establish on Earth the worship of My Immaculate Heart" – says the "Lady", secondly, Lucia is promised the spiritual support of the "Immaculate Heart", and, thirdly, "The Lady" shows Lucia "The Immaculate Heart".

"On the right palm of the Virgin," Lucia writes in hindsight, "there was a Heart surrounded by thorns that seemed to pierce Him. We understood that it was the Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary, wounded by the sins of mankind and desiring redemption." (MLrF, p. 158.)

The "Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary" has its prehistory in Latin. In a sense, his appearance in Fatima was prepared: there was a cult of the Heart of Jesus, which arose under the following circumstances. Catholic tradition tells us that at one time the French king Louis XVI, through the mediation of St. Marguerite Maria of Alacoca, had a "promise from the Lord" to grant him grace-filled life and eternal glory, as well as victory over all enemies, if the king would dedicate himself to the Sacred Heart and establish his cult in the palace and depict him on banners and weapons.

This request of the Lord was not granted until the time when, in 1792, Louis XVI, already as a prisoner, made a vow to solemnly consecrate himself, his family, and his kingdom to the Heart of Jesus if he would gain freedom, crown, and royal power. It was too late, the king left the prison only to mount the scaffold" (FV, p. 69). We quote this tradition verbatim from the text of the note on page 69 of the book "The Fatima Message: Tragedy or Hope?". It is interesting that in the text of one of the books about Fatima, the mention of the cult of the Heart of Jesus came from the late "inner communication of Lord Lucia" as an argument in favor of the speedy "dedication of Russia" to another Heart – the "Immaculate Heart of the Virgin Mary", to be more precise, the "Lady of Fatima". That is, one Heart became in the cult row along with another. And here is the question: is there not a latent equating of the Essence of God, or, to be more careful, the infinite Perfection of God, with the qualities of Creation, even if it is more venerable than the Cherubim and "beyond compare more glorious than the Seraphim"? After all, it is not uncommon to see paired images of these Hearts side by side. And what is interesting: painters, in these images of the "Immaculate Heart of Mary", which appeared for the first time in the Fatima events, depict the Heart in the chest. In Fatima, it was on the right palm of "Lady 31.

Painters "corrected" the "revelation".

Here is another text: the apparition of Lucia in the Ponte Vedro (MLrF, p. 180), recorded from the words of Lucia's confessor on December 10, 1925:

"On December 10, the Most Holy Virgin Mary appeared," Lucia calls the "Lady of Fatima", "in Pontevedro and, at Her side on a luminous cloud, the Child. The Blessed Virgin put Her hand on her (Lucia's) shoulder and showed Her Heart, pierced with thorns, which She held in Her other hand.