«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Group I

I propose to call "conscious sorcerers" those who, knowing about the existence of the Creator of the universe, quite consciously deny the moral laws given by God and consider the main task of their existence to be an irreconcilable struggle with Christ and His Church. The idea of the need to fight the Creator draws its ideological justification from the main and sacred book for all civilized sorcerers and magicians, Kabbalah.


The Kabalists borrowed from the Chaldean magicians the ancient dualistic teaching of the equivalence of good and evil, secretly transmitting it from mouth to mouth, from teacher to disciple, for many centuries. This explains the title of the book, Kabbalah, which means "oral tradition." According to the Kabbalists, the eternal struggle of the good God (Yahweh, or, in other words, Jehovah, Adonai) with the god of evil (Satanael) should end in the victory of the latter. They also believe that the "God of goodness" is not really good, since He has placed people within the rigid framework of moral commandments. They consider Satanael to be a good god, who, supposedly out of love for man, allows him everything that the God of good forbade.

Kabbalists teach that by evil (from the generally accepted point of view) deeds Satanael will lead people faithful to him to a good goal, and, conversely, a good God, who only seems to be so, will actually lead people to an evil end. Thus, it is Satan, from the point of view of Kabbalists, who is the true god of good, who needs help in the fight against his opponent. Those who will help him in this will receive victorious crowns in the future eternal kingdom of Satanel. Since Kabbalah is the basis of all Masonic and other occult organizations, it becomes quite clear that their adherents are in fact servants of Satan, his accomplices in the struggle against Christ and His Church.29 But in addition to the above-mentioned secret Satanists, who never openly talk about whom they consider to be their god, there are individuals or entire groups who openly confess Satan as their god. At present, they legally register the Church of Satan and its branches as ordinary religious organizations with state bodies. But both secret and overt Satanists invariably use magic as a method of communication with the demonic world to achieve their goals (both personal and public), being in fact co-workers of the spirits of darkness in their struggle for power over all mankind, for its speedy demonization.

The reason for the appearance of the satanic church on earth is the vain desire of the head of the fallen angels, Lucifer, to resemble God in everything. That is why, through people sincerely devoted to him, he founded his own church, in which the so-called "Black Mass" is performed, which is a blasphemous parody of worship. In Russia, as we have already mentioned, the Church of Satan was first officially registered in February 1992 thanks to the support of the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, and at present Satanic sects and temples are registered in many major cities of our country. In America, for example, the official recognition of the Church of Satan occurred much earlier, in the 60s of the XIX century.

Satan's attempt to copy everything (but, as mentioned above, with a negative sign) is also observed in relation to the peculiarities of various types of service to God. Thus, for example, just as a Christian who has decided to dedicate his whole life to Christ by taking monastic vows is excluded from the number of people and is inscribed in the rank of the angels of God, so a conscious sorcerer during his magical initiation, when signing a contract for the sale of his soul to Lucifer, is excluded from the number of people and is inscribed among the angels of Satan. These people immediately receive a certain rank in the demonic hierarchy, and a greater or lesser number of demons (depending on the degree of initiation) are given to serve them, carrying out their orders.

For example, A. Kashpirovsky, judging by the power of the demonic influence, is an initiated, that is, initiated luciferite. His magical influence on people, even through television (in the early 1990s), was so significant that many doctors at that time were forced to go to the press to denounce the harmful influence of this servant of Satan, confirming their words with terrible facts and statistics of mass mental disorders in almost everyone who watched or listened to his speeches.30 But, as many Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church believe, very many mental disorders are caused by nothing else than the intensified influence of demons on the soul (consciousness) of a person for various reasons.

Once again, I would like to remind the reader that the difference between conscious and unconscious sorcerers (i.e. uninitiated occultists, psychics, healers and "grandmothers") lies in the fact that a conscious sorcerer (synonymous with magician) knows for sure that he influences nature and man not himself, but with the help of rational beings of the spiritual world, and precisely those beings who live in its lower (the so-called infernal, hellish spheres, that is, he knows that he is turning to demons for help.


In turn, the fallen angels are very interested in having conductors of their will (agents of influence) in the human environment and through them to influence not only the spiritual sphere of people, but also their socio-political and economic life. By the way, even many Christians, unfortunately, do not know about the latter, so I will try to briefly explain the actions of fallen spirits in the social sphere.