«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The reason for the appearance of the satanic church on earth is the vain desire of the head of the fallen angels, Lucifer, to resemble God in everything. That is why, through people sincerely devoted to him, he founded his own church, in which the so-called "Black Mass" is performed, which is a blasphemous parody of worship. In Russia, as we have already mentioned, the Church of Satan was first officially registered in February 1992 thanks to the support of the mayor of St. Petersburg, Anatoly Sobchak, and at present Satanic sects and temples are registered in many major cities of our country. In America, for example, the official recognition of the Church of Satan occurred much earlier, in the 60s of the XIX century.

Satan's attempt to copy everything (but, as mentioned above, with a negative sign) is also observed in relation to the peculiarities of various types of service to God. Thus, for example, just as a Christian who has decided to dedicate his whole life to Christ by taking monastic vows is excluded from the number of people and is inscribed in the rank of the angels of God, so a conscious sorcerer during his magical initiation, when signing a contract for the sale of his soul to Lucifer, is excluded from the number of people and is inscribed among the angels of Satan. These people immediately receive a certain rank in the demonic hierarchy, and a greater or lesser number of demons (depending on the degree of initiation) are given to serve them, carrying out their orders.

For example, A. Kashpirovsky, judging by the power of the demonic influence, is an initiated, that is, initiated luciferite. His magical influence on people, even through television (in the early 1990s), was so significant that many doctors at that time were forced to go to the press to denounce the harmful influence of this servant of Satan, confirming their words with terrible facts and statistics of mass mental disorders in almost everyone who watched or listened to his speeches.30 But, as many Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Church believe, very many mental disorders are caused by nothing else than the intensified influence of demons on the soul (consciousness) of a person for various reasons.

Once again, I would like to remind the reader that the difference between conscious and unconscious sorcerers (i.e. uninitiated occultists, psychics, healers and "grandmothers") lies in the fact that a conscious sorcerer (synonymous with magician) knows for sure that he influences nature and man not himself, but with the help of rational beings of the spiritual world, and precisely those beings who live in its lower (the so-called infernal, hellish spheres, that is, he knows that he is turning to demons for help.


In turn, the fallen angels are very interested in having conductors of their will (agents of influence) in the human environment and through them to influence not only the spiritual sphere of people, but also their socio-political and economic life. By the way, even many Christians, unfortunately, do not know about the latter, so I will try to briefly explain the actions of fallen spirits in the social sphere.

Demons, being immaterial beings, cannot take a personal part in these important and even fateful spheres of human life and activity. For the same reason, they are unable to direct the development of human relations with their own hands, by political and economic methods, as well as by the mass media, in the direction of humanity's increasing falling away from God, the increasing demonization of each individual and society as a whole, which is their main geopolitical and spiritual task on a global scale. It is its fulfillment in all peoples that sorcerers and highly initiated occultists of all stripes and traditions, most of whom are united in secret organizations with a complex conspiratorial system and hierarchy of initiations, serve to fulfill it.

In order to successfully accomplish the task, these "agents of the devil's influence" in one way or another are infiltrated into the government bodies of all countries of the world in order to take control of the mental and mental activities of the leading leaders of world politics, forming in them certain worldview attitudes. In cases where a politician (president, prime minister, etc.) is not protected by the grace of the Holy Spirit (that is, does not believe in Christ, does not confess and does not take communion), the "agents of influence" manage to turn him into an obedient puppet, a kind of "zombie" who carries out their instructions with the help of imperceptible telepathic suggestion. This, by the way, is the reason why an unbelieving politician can initially and inevitably be doomed to turn into a character in a puppet show, which, in fact, is almost all modern politicians.

Interestingly, confirmation of this appears where it could least be expected. In the mid-1990s, I personally heard strange information on the radio, which, logically (if it were so), should not have leaked there. The announcer said that President Yeltsin has a special "support group", which consists of the largest Russian psychics. Among them, he named A. Chumak, A. Kashpirovsky, D. Davitashvili, Y. Tarasov and a number of other similar personalities, even naming the address of the headquarters of the witchcraft group: 63 Rozhdestvenka Street. The archives of the radio program have not been preserved, it is difficult to say after so many years how true that information was (it is possible that it was self-promotion of psychics). But the fact that the authorities then flirted with the forces of evil is a very real fact. Boris Yeltsin, for example, was awarded the Order of the Goddess Bau and the Cross of the Knight-Commander of the Order of Malta by the famous sorceress Juna Davitashvili. A photo of the smiling laureate together with his "benefactor" can still be seen on the http://rus-sky.com/history/images/ebn.jpg website. Then, however, there was information that this order was not real, but created by Juna herself. But then for what merits was the sorceress "awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin in April 1994" (http://tonos.ru/articles/juna)?

And what is the participation of M.S. Gorbachev in the creation of the Organization of United Religions! So far, however, none of the world's major religions has agreed to join this dubious organization officially: only various sects, sorcerers, witches, and other Satanists are represented in it (from the materials of the International Conference on Global Problems of World History, Moscow, January 26-27, 2002 — http://www.rusk.ru/st.php?idar=956). But this organization is a clear prototype of the future united world religion under the rule of the Antichrist!

It is clear that in such situations, occultists of all stripes "support" not specific politicians at all (they often become puppets in the global spectacle), but those whom these people serve, representatives of the world elite who are highly initiated into the secrets of magic (Kabbalah), striving to seize power on a planetary scale and are the initiator of all modern globalization projects. It is through them that demons realize their will in our material world. From the point of view of this elite, magic is the most important tool for manipulating the consciousness of huge masses of people who do not suspect that someone invisibly controls them.

But, as shown above, in order to control people, it is necessary to introduce demons into their bodies, which will affect the consciousness of a person, controlling his thoughts, actions and emotions. The main condition necessary for demonic possession is the lack of grace of man, that is, his lack of protection by Divine grace, or, in other words, by the uncreated energies of the Holy Spirit. From all that has been said, it follows that in order to magically control people, it is necessary first of all to deprive these masses of people of God's grace, since, as noted above, only these Divine energies really protect a person both from external demonic influence on his psyche and body, and from direct demonic settlement. But, as is known from Church Tradition, the only way in which it is possible to deprive a Christian of the grace of God received by him in the Sacrament of Baptism to the greatest extent (although not completely) are such actions that the Church calls mortal sins, among which are the renunciation of Christ, murder in any form, including abortion, fornication (cohabitation of a man and a woman out of wedlock) and adultery (adultery), etc.