New Testament under the editorship of Bishop. Cassiana Bezobrazova

17 For it is testified, Thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek.

18 For there is also a repeal of the former commandment, because of its weakness and uselessness,

19 for the Law has brought nothing to perfection, — and the introduction of a new hope, by which we draw near to God.

20 And since they were not without an oath, for they became priests without an oath,

21 And he with an oath in the mouth of Him who saith unto him, The Lord has sworn, and shall not repent, Thou art a priest for ever,

22 In so far as Jesus became the guarantor of a better covenant.

E-23 And those priests were many, because death prevented them from abiding.

24 But he, as he who abides for ever, has a priesthood that does not pass away.

25 Wherefore he is able to save them that come to God through him, being always alive to intercede for them.

26 For such was the High Priest befitting us: holy, untouched by evil, blameless, separated from sinners, and exalted above the heavens,

27 Who hath no need daily, as those chief priests did, first for his own sins, then for the sins of the people: for this he hath done once for all, offering himself.

28 For the law ordains men who have weakness as high priests, but the word with the oath that came after the law ordained the Son to be perfect for ever.

Hebrews 8

1 And in the things which are said, the chief thing is this, that we have this High Priest seated on the right hand of the throne of Majesty in heaven,

2 as a minister of the holy place and the true tabernacle, which the Lord has ordained, and not man,

3 For every high priest is appointed to offer gifts and sacrifices; therefore it is necessary that He also have something to offer.

4 Итак, если бы Он был на земле, Он не был бы и священником, потому что есть приносящие дары по Закону,

5 которые служат отображению и тени небесного согласно тому, как было указано Моисею, когда он приступал к совершению скинии: смотри, говорит Бог, сделай всё по образцу, показанному тебе на горе.

6 Теперь же Он получил тем отличнейшее служение, чем лучшего Он посредник завета, который узаконен на лучших обещаниях.

7 Ибо, если бы тот первый завет был безукоризнен, не искали бы места другому.

8 Ибо, укоряя тех, Он говорит: Вот приходят дни, говорит Господь, и заключу с домом Израиля и с домом Иуды завет новый: