«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Let's return to the text of the "convention": "In ISO, first borders, and then states (as such) will disappear. Over time, everyone will call the planet Earth their single homeland... In ISO, the unit of structure is taken as a territorial self-governing division — information and cellular. A honeycomb is a territory with a population of several tens to 20 thousand people... Optimal cells with a population of 10 to 20 thousand people..."7

Here is an image of a new Babylon built according to the Gulag concentration camp system, which, on average, also held from 10 to 20 thousand prisoners. Lifetime (and posthumous) camp numbers are proposed to be accepted voluntarily and forcibly right now. More on this will be discussed below.

And again, the text of this manifesto of the builders of the "global electronic paradise": "People in honeycombs and honeycombs interact with each other on the basis of radio telecommunications, timely and reliable information... Information networks for each member of society will be a source of information resources, self-discipline, self-organization, self-management, a source of high moral morality and order in each cell... In ISO, information becomes, like air for birds and water for fish, a world information basin for every member of society..."8

So, they won't let you run far from the honeycomb. Every "free" person should sit in his cell and chew informational and narcotic gum, accepting the images that the system imposes on him. People will "swim" in the "pool" of virtual reality, forgetting about reality, forgetting about God. The "source of high moral morality" will not be the commandments of the Holy Gospel, but the universal information networks. If modern television and the press are actively used for mass dumbing down and zombification of people, then one can only imagine what "reliable information" will be pumped into the inhabitants of the information and cellular society through the information networks of the new generation!

What will happen next can be seen from the following: "In ISO, there is a free movement of information, labor resources, products. There will be no money. Information and reference banks will replace money banks. Payments will be made on the basis of information and credit cards... In the information society, local protection of public order functions. In fact, it will control possible social deviations, because the expression "protect" will eventually lose its meaning due to the developed and functioning security of all cellular formations and each individual in the whole society... Information security includes elements of microbiological electronics, infrared, laser, and superbiochemical micromeans, which provide almost one hundred percent reliability and security of the individual, family, and society."9

The latter means the transition to the use of mandatory "chips" implanted in the human body and "tags" applied with the help of special technologies, which turn a free person into a "hybrid of electronic intelligence and soul", an object of manipulation or a zombified appendage of an automatically operating system... 10

Everything quoted above is not nonsense or fantasy. These are the hellish plans of the "creators" of the "new world order", which are gradually being implemented before our eyes. The pseudo-scientific document "The Information Convention..." It is studied in higher educational institutions of many countries of the world, and its crazy ideas served as the basis for the development of a number of documents of the national and international level, "revealing the main directions of the development of mankind".


In Russia, the decision of the President of the Russian Federation of 23.11.1995 NoPR-1694 approved the "Concept for the formation and development of a single information space of Russia and the corresponding state information resources"11.

The document, in particular, says: "In recent decades, the world has been going through a period of transition from an "industrial society" to an "information society". There is a cardinal change in the methods of production, the worldview of people, and interstate relations. The level of development of the information space of society has a decisive impact on the economy, defense capability and politics. People's behavior, the formation of socio-political movements and social stability largely depend on this level... »

Much in the "Concept..." beautiful words "on the creation throughout the world, including Russia, of optimal conditions for the fullest satisfaction of information needs and the realization of the rights of citizens provided for by the Constitution", "on the introduction of computer technology and telecommunications and, on this basis, the improvement of the living conditions of the population, the increase in the efficiency of social production... »

Truly, honey and milk exude from the mouths of the cunning compilers of the document. However, in fact, in the light of the truth, the bright colors of their narrative take on very unsightly tones. First of all, the "Concept... " does not give an intelligible answer to the question: "How can social stability be combined with a radical change in the modes of production, the worldview of people and interstate relations!?" In fact, this is not a scientifically based strategy, but an undisguised attempt to impose a new ideology on society, beneficial to the builders of the "global electronic paradise".

How and on what basis should the Orthodox majority of Russian citizens radically change their worldview? What ideas will be used as the basis of the "new" worldview? Who will be responsible for the consequences of another experiment on living people?..

In the end, the anonymous authors of the document reveal their far-reaching plans: "A single information space is a set of databases and data banks, technologies for their maintenance and use, information and telecommunication systems and networks operating on the basis of common principles and according to common rules that ensure information interaction between organizations and citizens... A distinctive feature of the process of formation of a single information space of Russia is not only the creation of a technical and technological structure of informatization... but also taking into account the social, economic and political aspects of its formation and integration into the world information space...