Bless My Prayer

Forgive us for the impurity of carnal thoughts, for sins against purity, against chastity, against love, against fidelity, against family!

Lord, forgive us for our suspicion, for our crazy, ridiculous, ridiculous thoughts,

for the intemperance of the passions.

We are guilty before you, Lord,

for intemperance not only in word

and in feeling, but also in food and drink. Forgive us for neglecting fasting.

And may fasting be for us a school of the spirit, strengthen and bring us closer to You!



God! You were meek, but we are spiteful, irritable, we constantly rise up against people, against loved ones, against loved ones!

Forgive us, Lord, for not learning to live with each other peacefully, calmly, and respectfully.

Forgive us for our spiteful temper,

for a difficult character,

for ill-will, for envy, jealousy, pride, vanity, for the fact that we sometimes cherish resentment for years.

Forgive us for our lack of self-control,

For reproaches, for being in a bad mood, for constantly hurting and infringing on each other.

Forgive us for the heartfelt pleasure we derive from humiliation 

and condemning other people, from upsetting them, quarreling them, finding faults in someone.

Lord, forgive us for our eyes, which first of all see evil,

for our tongue, which is quick to reproach

and an offensive word.

Forgive me for lying, for destroying friendship, love, family, human relations, for constantly asserting my will, for

that they offended and humiliated unrequited people, oppressed the weak.



God! Forgive us for our greed,

for greed, for giving so little in life!

Teach us to follow Your way when You tell us, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."