Bless My Prayer

from lack of faith, disgust for the world around — from lack of faith.

Lord, forgive us for not knowing how to be patient in difficult circumstances, courageous, firm and faithful to You.

Lord, forgive us for our unwillingness to do Thy will, for not having humility before Thee, for not being able to see Thee in temptation

and illness, in difficult circumstances of life.



Forgive us, Lord, for not keeping Your main commandments.

Forgive us for being irritable, spiteful, angry, hot-tempered, suspicious, poisonous, vicious, for always being ready to see the shortcomings of others, for easily exalting ourselves, justifying ourselves, and forgiving ourselves everything.

Forgive us for every lie, unrighteousness in life, for all deceit, for deceit, slander, slander, vainness, for perjury in court, for deceit, for duplicity!

Forgive us, Lord, for our Phariseeism, when we wanted to show our piety, our piety, or boast of our good deeds, so that people would approve of us.

Forgive, Lord, for our intemperate tongue, for idle talk and chatter, for the fact that we think of people worse than they are, for the fact that we cannot restrain our passions, beginning with simple gluttony and ending with sensuality and pride.

Forgive us for the children whom we did not let into this life, whom we killed, destroyed, shed their blood. The guilt here is great.



Forgive us, Lord, that we are sucked in and poisoned by the emptiness in our hearts, that it is filled with pride, hatred, rancor, schadenfreude, and constant murmuring.

Forgive us for the fact that we are always focused on ourselves, always busy only with our feelings, thoughts, worries and interests.

Forgive us for our homes, in which hostility, mutual resentment, humiliation, and impatience reign.

Forgive us for not calling on You in difficulties, in difficult circumstances, in moments when we have to choose our fate, for not thanking You, not asking for You! Forgive us, Lord, that here too we are negligent.



Lord, You see that we ourselves cannot, do not know how, are not able to change ourselves. Give us Your Spirit so that we may become worthy Christians of You.