St. John of Damascus

19. Nassaries, in the meaning of the word, are unrestrained: they forbid all eating of meat, they do not eat animate at all. The holy names of the patriarchs in the Pentateuch before Moses and Joshua are used and believed in, I mean Abraham. Isaac, Jacob, and the elders, and Moses himself, Aaron, and Jesus. They teach that the books of the Pentateuch are not the writings of Moses, and they assert that there are others besides these.

20. The Herodians were Jews in all things, but Christ was expected in the person of Herod, and he was honored and given the name of Christ.

Here is the first section, which contains all these twenty heresies; in it is also a reflection on the coming of Christ, and a confession of the truth.

This is what is contained in the second part of the first book, which speaks of thirteen heresies that existed among Christians.

21. Simonians: they received their name from Simon the sorcerer, contemporary with the Apostle Peter, from the village of Githon in Samaria. He was a Samaritan, taking only the name of a Christian. He rejected the resurrection and asserted that the world is not from God, He gave His image, in the form of Zeus, and His companion, a prostitute named Helen, in the form of Athena, to His disciples for worship. He called himself Father to the Samaritans, and Christ to the Jews.

22. The Menandrians: they originated from Simon through a certain Menander, and differed in some ways from the Simonians. They said that the world was created by angels.

23. Sartornilians: they supported the shamelessness of the Simonians in Syria, but in order to strike more, they preach something different from that of the Simonians. They originated from Saturnilus and, like Menander, said that the world was created by angels, but only a family, according to the father's thought.

24. The Basilidians: they perform the same shameless rites, from Basilides, who, together with Saturnilus, learns from the Simonians and Menandrians, adheres to the same way of thinking with them, but in some ways differs from them. He states that the heavens are three hundred and sixty-five, and gives them angelic names. For this reason the year consists of so many days, and the word "Avrasax" signifies the number 365 and is, says Basilides, a holy name.

25. The Nicolaitanes: from Nicholas, who was assigned by the apostles to the services, who, out of zeal for his wife, taught his disciples to do shameless deeds together with others, and spoke of Kavlacas, Prunicus, and other barbarous names, introducing them into the world.

26. Gnostics: they accepted the same heresies, but more than all these heresies they commit shameless deeds with fury. In Egypt they are called stratiotics and Thebionites, in the upper parts of Egypt they are called Socrates, and in others they are called Zacchaeus. Some call them Coddians, while others call them Vorvorites. They boast of Varvelo and Vero.

27. The Carpocratians: from a certain Carpocrates from Asia. He taught to commit every shamelessness and every sinful deed. If someone, he said, does not pass through everything and does not fulfill the will of all demons and angels, then he cannot ascend to the highest heaven and pass through the Principalities and Powers. He also said that Jesus took on a thinking soul, but knowing the things above, he proclaimed him here; and if anyone does such as Jesus, he is not inferior to him. The law, together with the resurrection of the dead, was denied by Carpocrates, like the Simonians and other heresies of which we have hitherto spoken. His follower was Marcellina in Rome. Secretly making images of Jesus, Paul, Homer, and Pythagoras, Carpocrates burned incense and worshipped them.

28. The Cyrinthians, also known as the Myrinthians: these are the disciples of Cyrinth and Myrynth, certain Jews who boasted of circumcision. They said that the world was created by angels and that Jesus was called Christ because of his success.

29. Nazarenes: They confess Jesus Christ, the Son of God, but in all things they live according to the law.

30. Ebionians: close to the Cyrinthians and Nazarites mentioned earlier; and the heresy of the Sampseans and Elkeseans comes into contact with them in some respects. They say that Christ and the Holy Spirit were created in heaven, that Christ dwelt in Adam and from time to time put off this Adam and put on him again. This, they say, was accomplished by Christ at His coming in the flesh. Being Jews, they use the Gospels, they disdain eating meat. They have water instead of God. As for Christ, as I have said, it is said that in His bodily coming He clothed Himself with man. They are constantly baptized in the waters, both in summer and in winter, as if for purification, like the Samaritans.