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Let us also say to God with all boldness about all heretics: "Do not they that hate Thee, O Lord, hate Thee, and about Thy enemies that are tormented" (Psalm 138:21)? For there is also good enmity, as it is written, for example: "And thou shalt put enmity between thee and thy seed" (Gen. 3:15). For love for the serpent produces enmity against God and death.

11. So this is what we had to say about the outcasts. Now let us turn to the Divine Scriptures, and let us drink water from our vessels (Proverbs 5:15), that is, from the Holy Fathers, and from our wells of the spring. Let us drink of the living water that flows into eternal life (John 4:14). And this is what the Saviour said about the Spirit, Whom they that believe in Him willingly receive (John 7:39). Take note of what He says, believe in Me, not simply, but as the Scripture speaks.

He points out to you the words of the Old Testament: "Rivers shall flow out of his belly, living waters" (38). Not visible rivers, watering the earth, producing only thorns and trees, but rivers enlightening the soul. And in another place to say: "But the water which I will give him, there shall be in him a fountain of water flowing in the living everlasting" (John 4:14), New living and flowing water, flowing on the worthy.

12. And why did He call spiritual grace water? In the water there is vegetable and animal power. Water descends from heaven in the rain; and although it descends in one form, it has different effects. One fountain waters the whole paradise: the same rain falls all over the world, but in the lily it is white, in the rose ruddy, in violets and hyacinths scarlet, and in every kind of flowers different and diverse.

In dates it is like this, and in grapes it is different, and gives everything a special appearance, while. he is of the same kind and not different in himself. For rain, which does not change in itself, does not descend in one form or another; but entering into the composition of those things that receive it, in each produces its own effect. In the same way, the Holy Spirit, being one and the same and indivisible, divides grace to each as He pleases.

And as a dry tree, being watered, sends forth sprouts; in the same way, the sinful soul, having received the Holy Spirit through repentance, brings forth the fruits of righteousness. For He, being the same, according to the will of God the Father, in the name of Christ produces different actions. In the one it turns the tongue to the word of wisdom, in the other it enlightens the soul with prophecy; to some He gives the power to cast out demons, and to another He gives the ability to interpret the Divine Scriptures.

He strengthens the one in chastity, teaches the other charity; he teaches some fasting and asceticism, another he teaches contempt for that which pertains to the body, and prepares others for martyrdom; in others He produces another: but He is not different in Himself, as it is written: "Wherefore the manifestation of the Spirit is given for profit" (1 Corinthians 12:7), for to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom, to another the word of understanding, about the same Spirit (8): to another faith, by the same Spirit (9)

and to another the action of powers: to another prophecy: to another the reasoning of the spirit, to another the birth of tongues (10). And all this works in one and the same Spirit, dividing by power as He willeth (1 Corinthians 12:11).

13. But since the Divine Scriptures say many different things simply about the Spirit, it is dangerous that someone should not fall into confusion of concepts through ignorance, not knowing what spirit to understand what is written; then it is good now to precaution to explain what kind of Spirit the Scripture calls Holy. For just as Aaron is called Christ (the Anointed One), and David, and Saul, and others are called Christs, while one is the true Christ: in the same way, since the name of the spirit is given to various things, it is necessary to know who is the Holy Spirit who is especially named; for to many things is given the name of the spirit.

An angel is called a spirit; our soul is called spirit; and this breathing wind is called spirit; and great power is called spirit; And a bad way of life is called a spirit, and the devil's adversary is called a spirit. Be careful therefore when you hear this, lest you be honored with one instead of another, because of the same name. The Scripture says of our soul: "His spirit shall go forth, and shall return to his land" (Psalm 145:4).

And it is said of this same soul in another place: "Build up the spirit of man in it" (Zech. 12:i). Angels are spoken of in the Psalms: "Make thy angels spirits, and thy servants a flame of fire" (Psalm 103:4). And it is said of the wind: "With a stormy spirit thou shalt crush the ships of Tarshish" (Psalm 47:8), and "As in an oak grove a tree shall be shaken by the spirit" (Psalm 47:5). And in another place: fire, hail, snow, bare, the spirit is stormy (Psalm 143:8).

The Lord Himself says of good teaching: "The words which I have spoken unto you are spirit and life are life" (John 6:63), that is, they are spiritual: but the Holy Spirit is not uttered with the tongue. He has life as the Most Wise, He gives the power to speak, and He Himself converses.

14. And do you want to know that he talks and speaks? Philip, according to the revelation of the Angels, went along the path leading to Gaza at the time when the Eunuch was riding. And the Spirit said to Philip, "Come and cleave unto this chariot" (Acts 8:29). You see? The Spirit speaks to the one who hears. And Ezekiel says thus: "The Spirit of the Lord hath come upon me, and saith unto me, This saith the Lord" (Ezekiel 11:5). And in another place: "The Holy Spirit said to the Apostles who were in Antioch, 'Set apart Barnabas and Saul for the work, where I have called them' (Acts 13:2). You see?

That the Spirit has life, separates, calls, and sends with authority. And Paul says: "Exactly, as the Holy Spirit testifies throughout all the cities, saying, 'For chains and sorrows await me" (Acts 20:23). For this good sanctifier of the Church, and helper and teacher, is the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, of Whom the Saviour said: "He shall teach you all things" (He did not say, "He will only teach"), but He will also remember all that is given to you (John 14:26)